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  1. #1

    Your Preferred Farming/Leveling Style

    I was curious as to how most of my fellow forum-dwellers tend to farm during the course of the week, and how they manage leveling their harem. What with the swarm of respectable sales that came in recently, a lot of people have a horde of new gals to divide their attention for valuable resources. Everyone has their own habits and particularities when it comes to this type of thing, especially in a resource management game like FKG, and it's always interesting to see how other players go about their routines. I'm sure there's been a few threads like this in the past but with our incoming updates/the updates we've received already I figured that it might be a good topic to revisit.

    I guess we can divide this type of discussion into two sections: Gold/Gacha Seeds/Equipment Seeds "General Resources" (Though this might be less of a focus and more of a side discussion) & Manyus/Dragons "Girl Specific Resources" (The meat of the topic), and how you go about both acquiring and spending said resources.

    I guess I'll start things off.

    General Resources:

    Gold: I had a lot of problems with managing my gold spending at first, as I tended to run a lot of Dragon maps and Manyu maps early on with the intent of getting as many girls evolved as possible. I've stopped running Manyu maps since then so this problem resolved itself, but I was usually floating around the 10K gold mark unless I had a girl ready to evolve. Yikes.
    I ended up running the last event's maps so much I'm now sitting at 3.7 mil, but I'm expecting that to be drained once evolving starts for some of my new girls. I guess I'll just make a habit of not overspending now that I actually pulled myself out of the hole. Admittedly, I blow my gold inefficiently, mostly because I don't really value it.

    Gacha Seeds: I tend to save up about 25k gacha seeds, and then go through the whole lot. I've started to get a second copy of most 4 Stars I've maxed the Skills/Equipment slots on by now to help run the World Defence missions more flexibly, so rolling enough seeds to usually get at least 1 Silver pull is what I aim for. As far as collecting them goes, I just let them accumulate, rolling once every 3-4 days, earlier if I get to that 25k sweet spot.

    Equipment Seeds: I really only look at these once a week, fixing up my gear on that day too. I tend to just sell all low-tier equipment because I'm lazy, but actively level my event jewellery and other gear efficiently. This is a habit I'm glad I got into early; I had enough money problems with my willy-nilly evolving.

    Girl Specific Resources:

    Manyu: I personally don't farm the weekly Manyu maps anymore, because RNGesus seems to like never giving me level 100 Manyu when I do them. Lately I've been either slowly accumulating them from the daily missions/gathering, the occasional 80 Stam SG that comes when I'm grinding perma-reissues (These seem to be rare compared to raid boss spawns so this has been a bad source of them in terms of quantity), purchasing them with Life Gems (Grinded a whole bunch of these and had some extra leftovers last event), and 2-1/Beginner SG farming when I've got an hour or more to kill. I've got a lot of Unevolved/Newly evolved girls so this seemed like the best way to get Manyu in bulk without totally destroying my leveling (I'm still a newbie, so getting a level up for a larger stamina pool is still on my mind when I prioritize what I should be doing), and as I've said, I'm an inefficient gold user, so using 10 level 5 Manyu on a level 50 girl really doesn't bother me.
    I tend to leave non-event 5 Star girls at level 50 evolved because I haven't decided yet which ones I want to throw my Ampies at after my 6 Stars get finished up. The exception was Hypericum, my first event girl, who got dibs on my first 300 Ampies in commemoration. While I probably should be leveling 4 girls to max at a time, I've been lazily throwing my Manyus at pretty much any girl who catches my eye in the Upgrade screen with two exceptions: Fatsia, to get an evolved girl to level 70 to maximise helper usefulness since I don't plan on Ampie-boosting her booty any time soon, and after that Daisy. More bad habits, I guess. XD

    Dragons: This is the one thing I don't mind being a little more conscientious in farming. I tend to keep 6 Ancient dragons of all the colours and 4 of their level 20 variants at any given time in my inventory- just in case. As I previously mentioned, I used to be evolution-crazy, so this is a habit that stuck from when blowing a whole day of stamina + saved stamina from the day before was a regular thing. With most of my in-team girls being evolved now and fighting over Manyu to get me to the point where I can reliably run any map without girls dying, I ended up hoarding a bunch of them. Gotta say though, never NEEDING to get a good dragon run is a relaxing thing. I do admittedly have great luck farming them - getting 3 Elder Dragons in a single run was more or less a once a day thing, and I don't think I've ever gotten a 5 level 5 or 20 Dragon run doing the 80 Stam map. RNGesus more than makes up for the Manyu map for me here.

    Hmm... Now that I've typed it all down, some of my habits I've gotten into are actually pretty silly. Guess I should start changing those, reading it to myself makes me realise just how inefficient I've been being. :P

    So, how do you guys like to go about your weekly farming? Curious to see how other players of different level gaps go about their day.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Usually I only farm event missions for event curency, gold, life crystals and extra ampies. I'm doing daily manyu if I really need them or if I'm sure I can clear the event even if I skip some days. Same for dragons. I do them only when I need them or when I know I will need them sooner or later for a precise girl.
    I'm also doing dragons and manyu if I had a lot of stamina when I'm close to level up.

    But now for this event, since I already cleared it, I'm doing manyus and reissue or nation battle for the FG.

    For gold, I'm just swiming in it. So, it's not a problem until I continue to farm event maps. I keep a large amount of gold for leveling girl with lvl5 manyu or for hard equipment leveling.

    About Gacha Seeds... I don't use them. Just sometime I burn them in the gacha for extra gold and salt when I'm going to do a 50FG roll. Like a way of trying my luck and burn it in one lucky 4* or ampy roll.

    Equipment seeds... I have so much of that thing. I only use them to get material for event equipment leveling.

    Manyu: Actually I have no more interesting girls to level up. So, I only spend manyu and money on some event girls left on the bench forever and my gift box is full of all thoses lvl5 manyu. I need to get new girls from the gacha but... meh. Only useless gurls or dupe.

    Dragons: don't really need them too. No girls, no dragons. I still have some lvl100 dragons from the previous event. I keep them for future girls but since my girl inventory is also almost full... I can't stack too much.

    Ampies: I give all of them to my 6*. HP and DEF to Kerria, ATK for Christmas Rose cause Kerria is alreay max ATK.

    Gifts: I only use 4 small gifts per days to clear the daily quest. I don't give more unless I need a girl done quickly.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #3

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    Well, by now I have more than enough lvl 70 girls to fill a unit, so I'm at the stage where I can cherry pick the ones I really like or that really go well together.
    As a result, leveling all the other girls has become something on the side instead of a necessity, and can I simply put all manyus of a color on the weakest girl I have from that color. So gradually, they all level up, including the 2* ones. Manyu maps are an extra, not a necessity.

    Just when I get a new girl that I'd really want to put on my main unit, I put her on "priority leveling". All manyus of the appropriate color go to her, and I will generally run manyu maps to get more. Right now, I have Acacia, Snapdragon and Helenium on priority leveling, but yellow Manyus still go to whatever girl happens to be weakest.

    Dragons I do the same as you: I try to have a stack in advance, so I get less pressure when a girl is about to evolve. At times, I've had as many as 12 purple Ancient Dragons on stock, simply because I had my default stock, and also completed some events rewarding dragons, while I simply didn't have any interesting purples to evolve.

    Gold: it goes up and down. Especially when I level jewelry, it tends to run out quickly. But, when it's event jewelry, it's just soooo worth it, lol. I sadly ran out of jewelry slots now. I really hope they increase the max jewelry storage to something like 1,000 *soon*. 400 simply isn't enough to decorate all the girls.

  4. #4

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    Gold / Coin - I'm not actual farming for it.
    It come by itself when I run 80 stamina main-event map and reissued-event map.
    Normally I will run those two 80 stamina map for event currency.

    Gacha Seed - I just burn it for extra money or summoning luck befor do single FGs roll.

    Equip Seed - I random roll it from time to time to do some enhance for event equipment.
    Most of my main girl have only 1 or 2 equip slot so I just let it be for now.

    Manyu - I always run manyu map for fun since I still have many girl for leveling.
    I may use 1 or 2 FGs to do extra run if I feel carried away.
    I may stock up some Lv100 manyu for leveling my new girl that I like from time to time.

    Dragon - I never stock any dragon except left over Lv100 one.
    If I want it I just run for it right away on event day.
    If I really need it BADLY I will spend 2-3 FGs to do extra run.

  5. #5

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    Gold - I tend to get to about 2 million and then level a 6* so take a chunk - gold is meaningless to me

    Manys - I'm farming this one currently as I have a hit 6* to push to 60 and a slice 5* I'm looking to get from mid 50 - 70 - normally I rather run 12-3 and ampy hunt to

    Seeds - Gacha are for when I have time to burn them into gold - think on about 35 - 50k on average - equipment....I should spend some and level some gear but nearly everything I#m using is 30+ or maxed - so not a prioirty and 100k seeds sitting there for when it is

    Dragons - special order - when a dragon day comes up I look and see if I'm likely to be evolving something inside 2 weeks from that class - if so I do, I keep 2 mid level dragons from each group in storage and farm max levels as needed - keeping any spares

    I'm at a point where every girl is max level - I just hit 10 6* girls. I will have 6* girls on team 3....the only resource I really worry about is FGs

  6. #6
    I'm usually running the event maps and if I get done early I will try to farm manyus for the priority girls of the moment, usually I attempt to level efficiently.
    I don't try to farm dragons unless I need them and keep a stock of Large and medium dragons (as much as i can for the large and max of 3 per type for the medium).

    For gold I mainly get it from event maps (80 stam) and use it all the time, if I run out of gold i use the seeds to do a massive amout of summoning (last time i did it i had like 250k seeds).
    for the equip seeds i use them when i hit near 8k - 10k+ then hopefully I get lvl 10 gear if not i just use them all on event equipment.
    FKG friend ID: 384788654
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  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Looking at the replies above, I guess my playstyle doesn't really differ all that much.

    General resources
    Gold - At the early stages I needed to run through the Saturday special map a few times when I was about to run out of it. The early leveling and evolving knights / leveling equipment drains quite a lot of this resource. Now, when almost all of my knights are evolved, simple runs through the advanced event maps are all I need to not be worried about gold. The 12-5 map, which I run when I don't have anything else to do, isn't bad with its rewards as well.

    Gacha Seeds - I've never really farmed them. Early on, each time the amount hit 1000+ I did a pull to get a new 2-4* knight. Now that I have all of those from the standard gacha, I'm not using them and just waiting for when the new 4* knights arrive. Once again, 12-5 can be a good source of gacha seeds.

    Equipment Seeds - Just like Gacha Seeds, I've never really farmed them. These are the main culprit to my low gold levels early on in the game, since I leveled every high quality accessories (20 of each type max). Now I'm just storing them and not leveling anything - I'm waiting for when the Equipment Manyu from DMM get implemented into our version.

    Girl specific resources
    Manyu - Since I level each and every one of my knights I really need a lot of Manyu. I've read through a guide early on and used to run 2-1 and later 12-3 and 12-5 in order to get the Secret Garden run at the end as my main source of Manyu. I avoided the Wednesday and Sunday special missions, since back then they were inefficient to me. The special mission could get me 1-4 Manyu of any level (5, 20, 100) for 80 stamina. The advanced Secret Garden could get me 3-4 Manyu of the 2 higher levels (20, 100) also for 80 stamina, which for me was a better deal. The only downside was the probability of spawning the map, but since I've been running 12-3 and 12-5 mainly, it was not really a problem. Now, when an extra drop got added to the special missions, I think they are worth running and they became my priority on their days, in case I don't need to hurry up with anything else (for example an event).

    Dragons - It's possibly the only RNG part of this game that annoys me. I like FKG, because the maps are not really frustrating with their random nodes - it's just luck of the draw with a possible reshuffling of your squads to better the odds and you'll get it eventually. Dragons however have specific days they show up at and a 80 stamina farming map with a really low probability of getting the high level ones. I never farm them if I don't have any knight exactly at that moment to evolve because of the limited storage space (let's hope that the additional 200 DMM storage space will get to us eventually) and it can sometimes take a full day of farming to get enough of them to evolve a 5*. If I get a lvl 100 Dragon from an event I always keep it stored.

    Ampies - I used to ignore them early on, since my team wasn't strong enough to get them from the high-end rewards from events. Now I always try to get them from events, even with higher priority than Manyus. They also drop from advanced event maps and later campaign missions (like 12-5) from time to time. I give them to knights that I know will be a part of my team for a long time - 6* or 5* with a great utility ability. I also fed quite a lot of them to Violetta Pansy early on (one of my favourites) just for the heck of it.

    Gifts - I remember farming those really hard at one time. There was a 5* ticket gacha going on (the first time I saw one) and I farmed the gift special map to raise all the affection I could to get the FG on time to use the gacha. The reason for that was that just the day before it started I blew 100 FG on priority pulls that I basically got squa from. Now I basically have enough stored to instantly get a new girl of any preference to 100% (and more if that was possible), so I'm not even farming them. These also drop from later campaign maps and gatherings, so I get new ones all the time. These are usually the lowest priority in the event rewards for me.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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