Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
Order of teams does not really matter for raidbosses. The debuffs from your first team for example, do not carry over to the fight of the second team.

Unless specified otherwise, buffs like +40% ATK count for the entire fight of that team. There are some girls with abilities that specifically say +X atk on first turn or on third turn, but otherwise, it's for the entire fight.

Solar blast is completely useless on bossfights. You don't gather any sun gems, and the blast button is replaced with a skip button. It's a feature I still hope they add sometime, but untill that ever happens, it's better to skip solar girls from Raidboss teams, unless their stats and abilities overal are very strong (for example, when you have Dogwood, who is a lot stronger than most 5* girls)
I've been told that Solar Blast is relevant in the upcoming level-up Raid boss event.