according to Myrdins post:

i want to ask some questions and clarify things.

the perfect line-up for RB fights.
first team = debuff team (-15% att power for enemys continue over the whole fight (is that right?)
second team = single enemy att team. team with girls who focus on one enemy and girls which own [RB buffs (like +40%att power)] (does those RB buffs continue over the whole fight to? or just some turns?)
third team = some more girls who focus on one enemy
fouth team = rest of the girls...

so in short, i would start with the debuff team followed by some attackers with RB buffs and stuff.
would that be efficient?
and whats with the solar blast? it will paly a role in the following event, so would it be good to put all girls with solar blast skill in a team?

is the order in the team realy the attack order? so the leader attacks first followed by the second from the left and so on?

that would be my RB-event squad:
[Tactics] Raid Boss Fight - Team-order / Character-order-rb-squad.png