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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #101
    I'm amazed you can manage at 125, with as long as you've been playing. I was a little cramped at 150, pushed it up to 175 and things are much more comfortable. It'll still need continual expansion as event girls get added and I do gem draws.

  2. #102

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    My inventory size is also 125 units. Currently at 116/125 with 13 ampies/dragons in (and tons of them in my gift box...). Actually it's not that hard to manage. I just need 1 free place for rolling gacha and go through stages. Hopefully, you can have more units than the max without units auto-delete or anything (hopefully, that's the same for the gift box).
    So, you just need to use manyu as soon as you get them and keep the event ones in the gift box. Same for dragons. And if you really need space... look at thoses weak and common littles 2* and 3*. It's so easy to get them. You can just sell one or two to get precious space.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #103

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Wow, made me feel so stupid to have 160 space and it still feeling so cramp after manyu day...

  4. #104
    I have 120 slots in my inventory. I leave Manyus from Gathers and 3 Medal awards in my gift box until I have to combine with any in my inventory to make up 10 to upgrade a girl and create space. Like some others, I save the FG for 10+1 draws until I absolutely must create more space.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    My inventory size is also 125 units. Currently at 116/125 with 13 ampies/dragons in (and tons of them in my gift box...). Actually it's not that hard to manage. I just need 1 free place for rolling gacha and go through stages. Hopefully, you can have more units than the max without units auto-delete or anything (hopefully, that's the same for the gift box).
    The gift box counter and display maxes out at 100. If you have more than 100 items, the earliest ones don't show. I have gone over a 100 a few times, and the oldest items reappear once I claim some of the newer items and get the total back to 100 or lower. I don't log off though with over 100 items though in case there is some sort of auto-delete/balance feature/bug!
    Flower Knight Girl ID - 522072974

  5. #105
    i was at 150 space for knight and 100 for equipment, but for convenience i increased it recently to 220 for knight and 150 for equipment, i found it was taking up alot of time micro managing it. As found a beginning it was easy to have less capacity, but as more knights and event equpiments is collected it is not worth the micro managing.
    Being a collector, I currently have 121 knights (including all 2* and 3*), and because i save up the lvl 100 Manyus and the bloom dragons, i was constantly upgrading knight to do campaigns. ie you can not campaign with your space overloaded.

    As to gift box, i do not worry if i am over 100 spaces, never had issue with it, just collect stuff until it is under 100 mail items.

  6. #106

    Join Date
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    350 beds for the girls and 400 (max) display cases for their jewelry. I'm really short on jewelry storage though, I definitely can't equip every girl with a full set, which I find pretty weird game design, especially considering the storage costs flower gems.

    The reason I have so much place for girls is pretty simple: I stock up on upto 10 of each dragon, so that's 3* 3 * 10 = 90 slots reserved for dragons, as well as upto 10 of each ampy, which means another 30 slots reserved for ampies (As soon as any girl evolves, she gets one of each ampy, so the number fluctuates quite a bit). I also always keep the number of ampies for each type equal to each other. If I have more ampies of one type than of another, I put them on the girl who makes most use of that type of ampy.
    Then, there's the thing about regular farming and the occasional seeds gacha spree: I like to have space to do at least 3 10+1 pulls , so that's 33 inventory space I like to keep clear. Preferably more.
    Oh, and I kept at least one copy every girl I ever obtained, so I still have all my 2* girls as well.

  7. #107

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I know that most of the people on here don't follow the stories in these events but I have to point just how amusing Stewaria's ego is. She's like a female Gaston. XD
    Flower Knight Girl

    Username: MachThreeSlug
    ID: 163560706
    Level: 160
    Friend List: 42/52

  8. #108

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    I read all story events though, kinda miss the older events where story is more epic. Nowadays it's pretty lighthearted and borderline silly.

    But yeah Stewaria was so full of herself. Her self-proclaimed maid just so not help XD

  9. #109
    Unregistered Guest
    Oh god, yeah, Stewartia desperately needs some duct tape. There's ego, and then there's puffing yourself up like a hot-air balloon. With Bergenia sitting in the little basket, cranking the little hot-air-machine for all it's worth. She gets so overblown that it's off-putting. I mean, if that's your thing, more power to ya, but... eh...

    On the other hand, I'm glad I actually paid attention to the story this time (sometimes I kinda just get tired of them yapping and put it on skip). Well, at least the epilogue. Because now I have the mental image of a hypothetical love scene featuring both Zephyranthes and Rainlily at once. And that's delicious. Never gonna happen, but... I can dream.

  10. #110
    DiscordLovesDisconuts Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Oh god, yeah, Stewartia desperately needs some duct tape. There's ego, and then there's puffing yourself up like a hot-air balloon. With Bergenia sitting in the little basket, cranking the little hot-air-machine for all it's worth. She gets so overblown that it's off-putting. I mean, if that's your thing, more power to ya, but... eh...
    plaster that duct tape to yourself. she is best hime, fuck off.

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