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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #111
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by DiscordLovesDisconuts View Post
    plaster that duct tape to yourself. she is best hime, fuck off.
    I think she's crap, you think she's great. Imagine that! I wonder who here is factually correct?

    I mean, it's not like they could both be OPINIONS or anything. Or due to differing preferences. And it's not like both could simultaneously exist in the same universe without one being due to copious amounts of alcohol.

    ...Nah, that can't be it. How silly of me to consider it.

  2. #112

    Join Date
    May 2016
    On the internet, you are wrong

  3. #113

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    need another 36k doll decorations to fully clear all gacha tables and have one whole week - should be no problem.
    enough time to farm some manyus
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

  4. #114

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by kringley View Post
    I'm amazed you can manage at 125, with as long as you've been playing. I was a little cramped at 150, pushed it up to 175 and things are much more comfortable. It'll still need continual expansion as event girls get added and I do gem draws.
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    My inventory size is also 125 units. Currently at 116/125 with 13 ampies/dragons in (and tons of them in my gift box...). Actually it's not that hard to manage. I just need 1 free place for rolling gacha and go through stages. Hopefully, you can have more units than the max without units auto-delete or anything (hopefully, that's the same for the gift box).
    So, you just need to use manyu as soon as you get them and keep the event ones in the gift box. Same for dragons. And if you really need space... look at thoses weak and common littles 2* and 3*. It's so easy to get them. You can just sell one or two to get precious space.
    I manage like that as well. I have 104 distinct knights (2* - 6*) and I'm leveling all of them. Additionally, I keep the time-limited reissued event dupes in case they are needed for blooming. Those might not be needed, but I'm not sure how blooming actually works and I only heard that such dupes are good to have. I'll need to look into it later.
    That leaves some space for other stuff, like Dragons and Manyu, though I agree it is a little cramped. Then again, if you're a F2P player, every FG counts so I use them for expansions basically only if I need space for a new knight.
    I haven't expanded the equipment inventory at all but I keep a set of 20 leveled pieces of each type and I've never really needed more.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #115

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    Nov 2016
    The thing I heard about was apparently something called Bond Crystals in the DMM version, which you can get for selling or using a knight in the upgrade process. Those crystals can be later used for other things, for example a 5*+ ticket.
    Since we can't be sure if that feature will ever get to us, I'll need to rethink keeping those duplicate knights.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #116
    It's funny to see you guys discussing this topic, I actually got a lesson in Bond Crystals yesterday in the Discord.
    I'd suggest anyone who wants to find out more to head down to the #DMM thread there and ask for a quick explanation.
    Bell/Soul (two of the players that hang out in that thread) are always more than happy to explain the whole thing and any other little things like Bond Crystals to us non-DMM players.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  7. #117

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    Quote Originally Posted by MachThreeSlug View Post
    I know that most of the people on here don't follow the stories in these events but I have to point just how amusing Stewaria's ego is. She's like a female Gaston. XD
    Did you notice how the boss-pests seem to reflect the girls' personality as well? It's generally not very obvious, but in this story it kinda was. I suspect that's the recurring theme for all the event stories.

  8. #118
    Undisconuted Guest
    Selling or foddering 6*s = 12000 bond crystals
    5*s = 1000
    4*s = 200
    3*s = 10

    4x3* equipment or 2x4* can be converted to 10 bond crystals through refinement, which doesn't provide exp or coins.

    You can buy up to 20 Danchou Medals per month for a total of 15000 bond crystals. More medals are obtainable from the daily 100 DMM point/Nutaku gold gacha rolls. 1/roll

    A Danchou Ticket(5*+) costs 100 Danchou Medals with the first one(now two) disconuted to 60 medals.

    If you get a 5* from the ticket, you get 1/10 of the currency needed for a 6* of your choice.

  9. #119

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    not finished yet, stuck on 8th Gacha, damn those amphies

    [Event 28] The Lady from the Flower Capital (02/05/17 - 16/05/17)-primrose-evolves.png[Event 28] The Lady from the Flower Capital (02/05/17 - 16/05/17)-primrose-evolves-3.png

    good news, evolved Primrose - oh she's very perky
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  10. #120
    Undisconuted Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
    Can you get Danchou medals without using real money?
    Buying them with bond crystals doesn't cost money.

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