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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by Eab1990 View Post
    Did a yolo roll on reissue gacha.

    Nice waifu get there, Eab. Madonna's a great gal to have.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  2. #132

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Burned through 56K or so, got to step 10 full clear, with skipping step 1 and 2 (coz worthless crap).
    Still got around 200 bums or whatever it is you use to summon the special map to burn through, with 4 days left. Should be done by Sunday ready to run me some manyus

  3. #133
    Can we collectively start calling Summoning Bonus Event Stage Currency/Event RaidBoss Summoning Currency all Disconuts for simplicity/humour's sake from now on? Because that would be amazing.

    Ex: "I still have 69 more Disconuts to use!" "I can't wait to summon that RB with my Disconuts!" "I've been busy hard-farming Disconuts all week."

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  4. #134

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Event done. Doing only event maps till today, had about 46 000 currency and 540 discobums - which was plenty clear the gacha in one go.
    With 4 more days left in reserve. Finally.

  5. #135

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    Jan 2016
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    Aaand done. Rushed through first gachas, fully cleared every reset starting from... 5 or 6? All of this with only doing bonus stages twice per spawn. Also, the efficiency is real - 13 event currency and 2 Disconuts left.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  6. #136

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
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    i'll be done by monday. with having some event currency left.
    easy, without spending any FG or stressing myself and farming manyus and dragons like there where no tomorrow
    i don't know why some of you rush through the first gacha table and tossing away the stuff. at the end of the event you have some currency left which you could have spend on that...

    my usual course through an event:

    phase 1:
    tuesday -> checking the event. enter the new girl in my list. running through the first 4 stages, getting the FGs. doing x-4 of event. if needed farming dragons.
    wednesday -> manyu day
    thursday -> doing phase 2 of reissue event. if needed farming dragons.
    friday -> doing reissue event, to get the reissue girl and her blooms. if needed farming dragons.
    saturday -> doing reissue event, if needed. otherwise doing x-4 of event.
    sunday -> manyu day
    monday -> doing x-4 of event. if needed farming dragons.

    phase 2:
    tuesday -> running through the second 4 stages, getting the FGs. doing x-8 of event. if needed farming dragons.
    wednesday -> manyu day
    thursday -> doing phase 1 of reissue event, but only until i got the FG at the end. if needed farming dragons.
    friday -> doing x-8 of event. if needed farming dragons.
    saturday -> calculate if i need FGs to clear event. if so, spend one or two... or three. doing x-8 of event.
    sunday -> manyu day
    monday -> doing x-8 of event. if needed farming dragons.

    i don't need much dragons, only if i want to evolve a rainbow, so i do the event stages most the time.
    and normally you can estimate after the first week if you're good to go with clearing the event or not. the second stage is always more profitable than the first and if you cleared out the first half already you won't get any problems to clear the second phase if you go on as usual.

    i also recommend to do only x-8 of the reissue event. it's more profitable.

    this based on my experiences and is the way i do it (successfully).
    if you want to try it, go on, if not, i don't care.

    oh and i have to say, that i can do every gather a day, and use all of my stamina.
    and another thing: i have approximately one lvl up a week. sometimes it pushes the event-progress, sometimes i get more manyus
    Last edited by paraphin; 05-13-2017 at 10:10 AM.
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

  7. #137

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    just barely finished Gacha 9th - takes a lot to get all the good ones due to RNG

    [Event 28] The Lady from the Flower Capital (02/05/17 - 16/05/17)-gacha-9-reset.png

    man, u guys keep on surprising me on how fast you clear it
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  8. #138

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Full clear 11/11 Well there're 3 item left but they're just not worth another run. Better use stamina to get Moonvine and Mirabilis. Or manyu on sunday since I desperately need blue (red to lesser extend)

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  9. #139
    I've got about 20 items left on reset page 10, although there's only one item left I care about, and enough rice cakes to almost clear 11. So I'll go for manyus and Mirabilis reissue mainly tonight. I happily rush through the first few gacha pages simply because other than the event girl and her blooms, there's little else in those those pages that I value.

  10. #140

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    Almost cleared all the gacha. I just need to roll the 300 last items but... well. I'm not motivated to do that and get them from gift box one per one (yeah, I keep manyu in gift box). And I need to use all my rice cake for free gold/seed too.
    After that, I will still do event x-8 for life crystals and ampies (I hope). That what I value the most right now. With coins. Don't really need tons of manyu right now nor dragons.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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