So, the new ally list came up today, and it's rightly caused an uproar.

Even ignoring how similar games that catered to whales ended up closing down, even as they were still getting other content (X-Overd being the biggest offender), there are plenty of reasons as to why introducing competition is bad for FKG.

The main issue to deal with is that, by introducing competition into FKG, it no longer becomes the casual waifu-collecting game it's become.

Remember the Xmas ticket fiasco? If you got a gold or a dupe rainbow, and the other guy got a new rainbow, that didn't really affect you vs. the rest of the community. All it meant was that you lost a ~50% roll, and the other person didn't. It sucks, but it's not like you were actively competing with the other person for that waifu.

Now? You have to contend with:

-"I got a rainbow! Oh, but it's just Helenium. Hey, that other person got a rainbow. It's his third Dendrobium. Well, fuck me, I'm never beating that guy now."
-"I put ampies into a 4* or lower girl because she was my waifu. Huh, that doesn't make a difference for my TP? Well, shit, that's 300 ampies down the drain."
-"Stupid people nuking raid bosses. I need equipment seeds to get +10 everything and max out all my units!"

Oh wait, that last one sorta already happens.

Either way, you get the idea. We go from a simple waifu-collection game to an arms race of +10/level 40 4-slot equip Dendrobiums (or Peach, if you want to fall back on golds disguised as rainbows).

Okay, fine, we don't actually know how this ranking system will play out. But there's definitely still cause for concern, especially if it turns out to be a reason for the game's sudden closure.