Quote Originally Posted by Eab1990 View Post
This would be bad too. Especially if this becomes the only way to unlock serial code FKGs... oh god, what a horrible thought.
I agree, it would be bad if they got exclusives. Especially if said exclusives were permanently exclusive, and not released to the general playerbase in some other manner a few months down the line, kind of like how we get reissues for late players.

...But I'm not sure it would be bad enough to make me leave. I'm jealous of every single helper squad I see with Lycoris, I would *love* to get her (or the slightly-more-likely Setaria), but... let's be honest, I won't ever get her. That's life, or perhaps more specifically that's statistics. I make no distinction between the roughly 0.001% chance to pull her with gems, and a 0% chance to pull her if she were exclusive. The thought of someday pulling her is not what keeps me going in FKG - I keep playing because of the shinies I can earn through guaranteed event pulls and RNG gems obtained through those guaranteed events and logins.

*Those* are what make it worthwhile to me. Maybe not to you, per se - different people play for different reasons - but for *me*. Take *that* away, or throw a paywall inbetween me and that, and I'll leave. Everything else is either a happy stroke of luck or random annoyances. But to each their own.

Either way, though, I think it's a bit too early to preach fire and brimstone. I'll reserve my judgment of whether to hop to DMM or not for when they announce what, exactly, the rewards will be.