PeroPero could really use a better tutorial... They show you the gacha and then pretty much that's it. Do all boss battles take 5 focus? Or maybe is that because I have 5 cards equipped? And for that matter, what do the little "lips" icons in the slot machine mean? They're not a wildcard, I've matched 2x something and a lips icon and got nothing. Meh, whatever, just keep clicking the slot machine button until the thing finishes.

It's neat to see animated cutscenes though. And for once they give you a scene with the main helper lady, right off the bat... Kinda wish we'd eventually get one with Nazuna.

...And I wish the game would stop randomly un-muting itself. There seems to be no way to make it stay silent permanently. Always nice to have your computer start screaming in Japanese in the middle of a quiet house. A headphones-only game, I guess.