Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
Nah, I find Pero Pero much harder than X-Overd

I was confused on how to do X-Overd but I finally got it despite not completing everything
Yeah, Pero Pero is much harder to do than X-Overd you need so many more copies of any card to do well anything.
Not worth my time really.
X-Overd crossover was doable (if a little rushed) for me because I had tried it before.
Then the Dragon Providence / X-Overd crossover just after that was easy and I carried some people from DP in X-Overd, then X-Overd died.

I tried Pero Pero before and could not do anything meaningful then still can't now (and really the gameplay bores me).
So yeah these reward goals are stupid, whales and long time players are not a sane bar to measure your crossover difficulty against.
Pero Pero seems to be targeted at those willing to give over their entire life or large amounts of money to it so this does not really surprise me.

So it's like the Slayer Arcana with a damage multiplier in Dragon Providence raid events?
Ugh, you can do those without the SSR Slayer card, you just won't likely place top 30 without it.
And top 30 is the domain of people who whale for more than one copy of the the SSR Slayer.
It did take me 6 months on Dragon Providence to be able to place meaningfully in the Raid Event (top 100) so I would guess this Pero Pero event needs somewhat equal (or more?) time investment if you don't want to spend money on it?