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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    beginner (intermediate?) questions

    I have played about two weeks now. I read most of the stuff about farming, using stamina efficiently, weak attacks on raid bosses, etc. I am level 64 and have a full roster of 4* and 5* girls. I didn't bother leveling any 3* or 2*; selling those as I got them. I even have four or five of the girls already evolved. My total party strength is a little below 200k.

    I can't clear event maps that take 80 stamina. At what party strength should I be able to do that to get the flower gem associated with it?

    Should I be doing the re-issued and permanent reissued older events for those 5* event girls? If so, should I start leveling them immediately to replace a 4* girl in my main squad? Or stick with my current squad until it's "done" before moving onto other girls?

    I assume that a 5* event girl with dress/skill blooms is better than a gacha 5* girl with none of the upgrades? For the non-event girls, I see "skill blooms" in the store that are purchasable for life crystals. Are their comparable things for equipment slots, dressblooms? Or is upgrading with a clone the only way? Maybe I'm still early enough in the game but buying a full set of skillblooms for one 5* (or 6*!!) girls seems like it won't happen. Life crystals become more abundant?

    At what point do I start saving (and leveling) 2* and 3* girls so that the "world defensive battle" scenarios can have full parties?

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have played about two weeks now. I read most of the stuff about farming, using stamina efficiently, weak attacks on raid bosses, etc. I am level 64 and have a full roster of 4* and 5* girls. I didn't bother leveling any 3* or 2*; selling those as I got them. I even have four or five of the girls already evolved. My total party strength is a little below 200k.

    I can't clear event maps that take 80 stamina. At what party strength should I be able to do that to get the flower gem associated with it?

    Should I be doing the re-issued and permanent reissued older events for those 5* event girls? If so, should I start leveling them immediately to replace a 4* girl in my main squad? Or stick with my current squad until it's "done" before moving onto other girls?

    I assume that a 5* event girl with dress/skill blooms is better than a gacha 5* girl with none of the upgrades? For the non-event girls, I see "skill blooms" in the store that are purchasable for life crystals. Are their comparable things for equipment slots, dressblooms? Or is upgrading with a clone the only way? Maybe I'm still early enough in the game but buying a full set of skillblooms for one 5* (or 6*!!) girls seems like it won't happen. Life crystals become more abundant?

    At what point do I start saving (and leveling) 2* and 3* girls so that the "world defensive battle" scenarios can have full parties?
    1) You're moving along at a decent clip to hit 64 in two weeks; well done.

    2) Power ranking in FKG is the most misleading stat; while generally higher power means higher overall strength, it doesn't take into account the special abilities and party modifiers that girls give their respective squads. Consider the difference between two Slice type units: St-Paulia vs. Lechenaultia:

    a) St. Paulia, a 4* girl gives her squad a 3% increase in attack power, 5% after she is evolved. Her attack deals 1.8* against a single target.
    b) Lechenaultia, a 5* event girl (whose permanent reissue should be coming up soon) gives her squad a 15% increase in attack power, AND a 10% defense boost to 4 squad members after she is evolved. Her attack is 1.8* against two targets.
    c) Going by raw power, there's not much difference between the two (Lech at 18.5k and St. P at 20.2k with max affection and max level post-evo). In practice though, those abilities make a tremendous difference and Lech will outperform St. P by a country mile. Rule of thumb: keep total power comparisons between units at the same unit rarity: 4* vs. 4*, etc.

    3) Some of the 80 Stam maps can be brutal for newer players. Just keep working to improve your girls, get them equipment and fairly soon you shouldn't have much trouble running those maps. Thankfully, the lower stam maps are almost always more efficient to run in terms of stam : currency, so you won't be really losing out by foregoing the higher ones that you can't complete. The FG reward is nice, but I wouldn't spend hundreds of stam trying to get it when that stam can be put to better use. If you check out the various maps/events on this forum using the buttons up top, you'll see Power recommendations (but keep in mind the second point I made).

    4) Yes, you should absolutely be doing the re-issued and permanent re-issued events and swapping those girls in for your 4*s; focus on the re-issues first since those have a time limit. There is little point in wasting resources on improving <5* girls unless you have no alternatives. Later on you'll get into the special "Nation Missions" where you'll likely find yourself using 4* and even 3* and 2* girls and may want to improve some of them to fill out the rosters, but that's a long-term thing, in my view.

    5) Yes, 5* event girls with full slots and skills will outperform a regular 5* girl with no slot/skill upgrades. That said, event girls are generally weaker in terms of stats so that in the long run, the regular girls with full slots will pull ahead. Not something to really worry about right now.

    6) Clones are the most reliable way to open up equipment slots; dressbloom are quite rare and almost always require either FGs or NG to purchase. Not something to worry about right now; just throw a ring on the one slot and you'll be good to go.

    7) Life Crystals do become much more abundant later; usually from the 80 stam event maps. Don't sweat them for now; they're a longer term goal.

  3. #3

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    This is my POV you can use it as brief.

    - For current event you need at least 2 strong group to tackle enemy.
    90k+ strength per group will be my suggest.
    And you have to place one high speed (600+ speed) at the bottom start to full clear map.

    - Re-issue and perma-event is something you should do if you can spare time and stamina.
    But first priority is on re-issue since you have only 2 week to do it before expire.

    - If you are happy with your current squad you can leveling event / new girl later.
    If you not content just choose who you want to leveling her.

    - If count on TP most gacha girls are stronger then event girls.
    But TP not everything. The passive skill is what you want to consider before select your girl.

    - Gold / rainbow skill bloom in store is what you have to trade if you can afford.
    Gold / rainbow dress bloom is something you have to buy with real money.
    Our lazy DEV do put Gold / rainbow dress bloom for trade in shop from time to time
    but with very high price.

    - Life crystal will be more important in future with many stuff you can trade with it.

    - I don't have comment about world defence map.
    Last edited by twilightdream; 06-14-2017 at 07:05 AM.

  4. #4

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    I'd actually advice to ignore power rating *entirely*. It's calculated simply by adding up ATK, DEF and HP. And while girls with high health can sustain more damage, they don't necessarily deal more damage during their extended period of survivability. Actually, sooner or later, you will reach a point where your girls rarely die at all, which in turn means that all HP beyond the amount required to stay alive during the fight is pointless. Yet, that surplus of useless HP is calculated into the powerrating, and it makes for a rather big chunk of it as well.

    If anything, I'd like the developers to overhaul powerrating, in such a manner that ATK counts double and HP counts only for about 50%. That still wouldn't say anything about a girls' actual strength (like, Anemones' main strength lays with her special attack and her DEF counting towards her counter-ability), but, at least, it'd make the figure a lot less skewed.

  5. #5

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    - 80 stam event maps are hard. Too hard for a player under 200k power. Pests are not that strong but deals insane damages. A non evolved girl, even max level max affection can't take more than one attack. You must get more evolved girls if you want to clear these maps by yourself.
    But you can still do it with a strong ally on the more pesty road and stack your squads on the other roads. Event tend to become more and more easy and lest based on RNG. With some stratagies you can do it even if you're under leveled as long as you have good allies.
    And if you want, I have a free slot. Id is in my sign, just tell me who are you on FKG and I will accept your request.

    - You should do reissues and perma-reissues. And the more importants girls to get on my pov are:
    -Lavender (solid gold and best event girl)
    -Edelweiss (same as Lavender plus she has +50 speed on her evolved form)
    -Geranium (she has skill activation boost, one of the best abilities in the game)
    -Hypericum and Mirabilis (they have counter attack abilities and they can be very powerful when fully equiped)

    Other girls are less importants. They are good but Reissue take an eternity to collect all the suff at low level.

    -5* event girls are stronger than gacha girls in term of stats+equipement stats and skill activation but gacha girls are better in term of skill and abilities.
    In a short term, event girls are better, in a long term, gacha girls do a better work with a good team synergy. Even without equipement since equipement bonuses aren't affected by stats boosts.

    -Life crystals are more abundant later with 40 and 80 stam maps. Usually you will get enough to get 1 Rainbow Skill bloom and 2 Gold Skillbloom each refill (it's arround 1 refill per month... when dev aren't on top secret vacation, or unexpected laziness). Don't bother with that right now. Anyway, giving Skill bloom don't increase drasticly the power of a girl. It's only useful at long term, when she is already good and in a good team (like skill activation team).
    Another advice about that, wait until you get a bit more girls before using skill blooms. Don't use them on meh girls with meh skills (unless if it's waifu).

    -If nothing has changed, nation battle are usless right now. Just a small source of Flower Gems, a nest of heavy RNG and a part of the story. Don't even waste stamina on this for the moment. Use it on reissue, it's a better idea.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #6
    Make sure to get some strong allies, either by the forum thread, or by checking the bottom of the helper squad list before every battle. Once in a while, there will be a much more powerful ally available. If you keep asking, you will get some eventually. That's what I did, before I found these forums.

    Then, instead of trying to evenly level up your squads, try to max one of them out. Remember that by having one girl at level 60, and later 70 post evolution, you will maximize the power of your helper squad. This will give you two powerful squads that should help you complete 80 stamina maps.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest


    Thanks for all the advice. My id is 333237471.

  8. #8

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    Welcome to my FL. I hope I can help you through the wall of pests.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Thanks for all the advice. My id is 333237471.
    Sent you a request, dude!
    Flower Knight Girl

    Username: MachThreeSlug
    ID: 163560706
    Level: 160
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