Sorry, I didn't mean to strike a nerve there.

It just feels like they're starting to dip into dangerous territory when this appears to be a permanent addition that goes again what, in my opinion, is part of what has made this game so successful - accessibility. It comes across like they're trying to choke the golden hen so it lays a few more golden eggs right this second instead of feeding the hen better so it naturally produces at that rate.

I'm not one of those people who are allergic to spending money on things that they enjoy - I've probably directly purchased about half of my rainbows - it's just that I don't like where additions like this can lead now that the step has been taken in this direction. It's the paradigm shift to add this feature(deviating from the formula that has made the game successful) that concerns me more than the feature itself - especially with how many other DMM games have been phased out recently.

Anyways, I digress, I'm not "that" worked up about it. Business-wise, it's a smart short-term move; I'm just (perhaps overly-)worried about the long term health of the proverbial hen.