The Wikia is dedicated to the DMM version. Nutaku players shouldn't exactly be using that for the most part.

Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
yeah, it's annoying when the Wikia is based on Japanese so they put 'em in Japanese

I'm used to Nutaku names so I prefer them in that name versus whatever Wikia puts them

I hardly go to the Wikia since it confuses the shit out of me
Eh... why be annoyed? That FKG Wikia was already built in 2015 before the existence of FKG's Nutaku version. If the slew of Japanese text there isn't obvious, it's intended for the DMM version. It's even clearly stated on their home page. And gacha girls' names come from the OFFICIAL names given by the Japanese developers on the gacha banners. Those aren't just some random names that editors fancy.

Dunno why people are forcing themselves into using Wikia when there's an English wiki here at HBC. *facepalm*