Utsurogi Akira for me. Gotta give it to him for the oppais.
Night Phlox is the character that got me interested in FKG, and eventually Gardenia and Cattleya became my favorites.
I've been working on collecting all of his girls, I'm only missing Cactice Bride, Apple of Sodom, and the recent Texas Bluebell now.

Favorite FKG Artist?-akira.png

I also picked up his Winter fanbook. Still trying to get Summer, but it's been sold out or just not available at events for a while now.

Favorite FKG Artist?-n3gzwso7.jpg

Second favorite is Moneti, the man is just too skilled. Alpinia is bae.

Honorable mention to Kurokawa Izumi for blessing us with the goddess known as Ivy.