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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Largepotato View Post
    Is there a cap on how much stuff can be left stored in the gift box?
    Once it's over 100 items, it gets difficult to use. You can't see the oldest items, only the newest 100, so you run some risk of having things expire if you stay over 100 for too long. For short periods of time, I haven't hit a real limit but I haven't tried to push it either.

  2. #62

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    West Coast Time Zone
    Quote Originally Posted by Largepotato View Post
    Is there a cap on how much stuff can be left stored in the gift box?
    Nope; just the 30-day time limit. I'll often just leave stuff in there until the end of an event and take out 200~300 worth of items.
    FKG - Love Scenes/Videos
    Nutaku ID#: 1339015 / Fate GO ID#: Ara ~ 455,759,048
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  3. #63

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    I very upset that my luck still with Nutaku.
    Hey luck move to DMM already!

  4. #64

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    if we don't get bond crystals next week, i will keep all my bouquets until the end of the event and clear all tables in one go. so i can keep the 3* girls as long as possible in my giftbox.
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

  5. #65
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by paraphin View Post
    if we don't get bond crystals next week, i will keep all my bouquets until the end of the event and clear all tables in one go. so i can keep the 3* girls as long as possible in my giftbox.
    100 3*s is equal to a single 5*, so don't inconvenience yourself too much for it.

  6. #66

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    East EU
    Part events give you a single 5* that you wont sell/use as upgrade material. And often shit tone of 3* girls, sometimes over 200 so equal amount of crystals of two 5* girls. From a perspective of a min-maxing free-player keeping all them 3/4* till bond crystals are added is useful ;]

  7. #67

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Congrats on all the lucky rolls.
    It makes me wish I had enough gems for a 10+1, but I guess I will keep stacking them for now.
    Maybe another dressbloom sale goes up and I'd need 120 of them to fully equip my Dendrobium if the prices don't change.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #68

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    Anyways, I know you guys gave advice to save your stuf for phase 2 secret garden

    but I'm gonna do 3 secret gardens just to get LC from daily quests

    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    I very upset that my luck still with Nutaku.
    Hey luck move to DMM already!

    They are telling you not to leave bruh
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  9. #69
    Unregistered Guest
    So I did 7 10+1 draws on various alt accounts.

    I averaged about 3 golds per 10+1, which means that chances are, the gold rate really has been changed.

    I got a single 6* from the 7 draws, which is about 1-2% chance, which is still within reason of the 0.5% claimed, since the variance on such a small number of draws should be quite high.

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    Anyways, I know you guys gave advice to save your stuf for phase 2 secret garden

    but I'm gonna do 3 secret gardens just to get LC from daily quests
    Stage 2 gives you slightly more Bouquets, but I am running the special four times daily to get the equipment material on the fourth run (and the other stuff on the way).
    Flower Knight Girl ID - 522072974

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