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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #851

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    Any and all girls in this game are wonderful, regardless of rarity.

    (former statfag speaking)

  2. #852

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    Quote Originally Posted by smr View Post
    Any and all girls in this game are wonderful, regardless of rarity.

    (former statfag speaking)
    Love those Gacha 5* girls. Some pack more punch than 6* on certain missions and bosses. Benched more than a few 6* on the whale for them.
    A few are just fun to watch and there is the garden where you got to just try them and see what they do.
    Last edited by phob; 07-21-2018 at 10:38 PM.

  3. Quote Originally Posted by phob View Post
    Love those Gacha 5* girls. Some pack more punch than 6* on certain missions and bosses. Benched more than a few 6* on the whale for them.
    Chocolate Cosmos is a great example of a 5* who really earns her keep with most maps, especially Whale Maps. I love when the healing panel lines up at just the right spot.

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  4. #854

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    Quote Originally Posted by FriendlyFacez View Post
    I love you, Nutaku FKG staff

    ...Today is a very good day.
    About damned time; congratulations man.

  5. #855

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    I run her swimsuit variety on whale. All her slots are full with 2.4 rather than 2.2. She is good.

    Daily Deals (9/7 - ???)-choco.jpg

    So are any of the 3 hitters like Madonna, Wax Vine xmas, Oncidium xmas, Pitahaya, Kale, Lily Rubellum, better than 6* on whale because they punch for over 4X
    Last edited by phob; 07-21-2018 at 11:15 PM.

  6. Quote Originally Posted by Taon View Post
    About damned time; congratulations man.
    Thanks. It is startling how quickly she's already Evolved, Level 70 and with full skills / equipment slots unlocked -- the only reason I'm holding off having her join my squads right now is she lacks the 2nd Affection boost. But I basically saved all my skillblooms / dressblooms / purple manyus in anticipation for this.

    I wish there was a way you could designate two or three alternating special assistant leaders (instead of just one or randomly anyone available) so I could rotate her and Madonna without choosing one or the other.

    Her voice is like Victoria's -- so smooth and addictive.

    Quote Originally Posted by phob View Post
    I run her swimsuit variety on whale. All her slots are full with 2.4 rather than 2.2. She is good.

    Daily Deals (9/7 - ???)-choco.jpg

    So are any of the 3 hitters like Madonna, Wax Vine xmas, Oncidium xmas, Pitahaya, Kale, Lily Rubellum, better than 6* on whale because they punch for over 4X
    Swimsuit's the one I use as she has a slightly better visual design, but either Chocolate Cosmos is a worthwhile addition. Oxalis is another 5* that really packs a punch on my squad, probably not as strong a hitter as an alternative 6* option like Cactace but she holds her keep and will be great once she's bloomable.

    Anemone's one of my favorite 6*s as she has the 6* version of the 3x hits, which is definitely the best skill as it's equally effective against mobs and bosses.

    Now here's an unrelated question: Who's the last 5* slice girl in the collection book? (Organized by default, low-high rarity.) Cute design but can't find her anywhere on FKG's character pages.

    Signature by Myrdin

  7. #857

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    Quote Originally Posted by FriendlyFacez View Post
    I suppose it depends on what you're looking for when you create your teams.

    If you just want raw power, of course, you're better off just sticking with 6*s.

    Personally, I don't care about battle performance (I can wipe every map easily with my current cast as is), I just care about having the right personalities on my team. So I'll gladly choose a 5* with a design I love over a 6* with a design I'm impartial to. And I really dislike about half the 6*s, personally, because FKG stacks their 6* lineup with a disproportionate number of loli characters.
    unless they start giving access rarity boosting on nutaku, 6* do come with typically the better effects too... but between the scenes and the fact that I only have 14 rainbow girls total, i'm not keeping 5*'s out my roster just yet (they do help push my whaleship to a little over 900k at the moment, with the main 4 teams having about 520k). plus when they can bloom (and I have access to it), they do surpass an evolved 6* in some cases...

    also, i have no problems with loli.... given who my avatar (and especially profile pic) is... i still enjoy Lycoris just as much as Helenium and Ghost Weed... it's just that the cuter ones tend to get my attention more (hell, i made a beeline for Herbaceous Peony when I had the chance)

    Quote Originally Posted by FriendlyFacez View Post
    Chocolate Cosmos is a great example of a 5* who really earns her keep with most maps, especially Whale Maps. I love when the healing panel lines up at just the right spot.
    yeah, i won't deny that....

    the missions needing about 1.3mil power is doable for me only with her (i got the swimsuit one) on the team and a bit of luck on the skill activations for the ship...

    cause when you factor in teams, weakness damage can more or less make up for about 50% of your ship power (it's how I cleared the majority of the maps with only about 900k average power between the 5 ship types)

    (plus I do have a thing for holly as well....)
    Last edited by MagicSpice; 07-21-2018 at 11:39 PM.

  8. Quote Originally Posted by MagicSpice View Post
    unless they start giving access rarity boosting on nutaku, 6* do come with typically the better effects too... but between the scenes and the fact that I only have 14 rainbow girls total, i'm not keeping 5*'s out my roster just yet (they do help push my whaleship to a little over 900k at the moment, with the main 4 teams having about 520k). plus when they can bloom (and I have access to it), they do surpass an evolved 6* in some cases...

    also, i have no problems with loli.... given who my avatar (and especially profile pic) is... i still enjoy Lycoris just as much as Helenium and Ghost Weed... it's just that the cuter ones tend to get my attention more
    I wasn't trying to bash lolis -- everyone's entitled to their own tastes and preferences. I just personally avoid them.

    I'm just in favor of complete customization of my squads favoring personal preference without automatically favoring 6*s for rarity or power. There are actually 6*s I own who are only on my whale maps, while there still plenty of 5* characters on my four main squads. That's just because I design my squads based on how much I like the girls, rather than how much damage they deal.

    Similarly, four of my five 'A-team' characters on my first squad are not bloomable, while I own plenty of characters who I could stick in there that are bloomed. I could have a much more powerful first squad if I went for my strongest characters (Kerria and Saffron are both on my second team, and bloomed) but I'd rather keep the five characters I like the most on my first squad. It's a privilege to be on that squad! You have to earn it by being the Knight Commander's favorites.

    Signature by Myrdin

  9. #859

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    Quote Originally Posted by FriendlyFacez View Post
    Now here's an unrelated question: Who's the last 5* slice girl in the collection book? (Organized by default, low-high rarity.) Cute design but can't find her anywhere on FKG's character pages.
    That would be Lindernia; a code girl that I don't think we've been offered yet.

  10. #860

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    Quote Originally Posted by FriendlyFacez View Post
    It's a privilege to be on that squad! You have to earn it by being the Knight Commander's favorites.
    i do the same thing actually...

    i don't care how much "total power" is gonna auto shift everyone... Lycoris, Helenium, Iberis, Scotchbroom, and Sakura are gonna keep that first team comp in that order...

    plus i'm known as MAGICspice so it's fitting to have that as the assist team... speaking of....

    anyone know how they calculate assist teams? I never find one past 101k it seems... i know they don't factor in affection at least

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