Price ranges for rainbows is important because if Nutaku didnt make the mistake of showing Devil's Claw as 6 star, she would've been at a much lower price. It is precisely because she was priced at 5000 gold which shows that Nutaku prices rainbows at the 5000-6000 gold range. Remember that she was also only sold as is and without any add on items. Serial code status also should never affect price and we all know this is one of the shadiest things Nutaku has done so far.

They also sold 2x 6 star exchange tickets at 2500 gold last week so the actual price range of rainbows should be even lower, and these are exchange tickets that you can pick whoever you want.

Initial release of Sakura Apron couldnt be judged on an accurate price because you had to roll for her with flower gems.

Mum and Rough Cocklebur also came in Step-Ups with add-ons. They were also sold later on at lower prices.

Also the special exchange ticket gacha we got over a month started at 6000 Nutaku gold, then decreased to 4500 and so on because this is how Step-Up gachas work.

When I started playing this back in 2016 the general price range of rainbows being sold every Thursday was indeed at the 5000-6000 range, and you are effectively telling me that this is incorrect. Eab has actually made an extensive list of nearly all the Thursday deals from 2016-2017.

The main problem is Nutaku is constantly using a very wide price range for their deals, this would've been a lot simpler if we could still trade flower gems in deals since we can still accurately put a price range on rarities.