Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
Actually x2 Def Counter with 4+personnal equipements is better than x3 Def Counter with 1+personnal equipements since the Def given by the equipement count in the x2 or x3 calculation. If I look mine on DMM for example, at lvl80 she has 2970 Def (max ampie def, 100% normal affection) + 3245 with equipements. With her +20% def, she deals around 13600 counter damage. It's more than my Kerria's base normal damages.
Hyperloli is good too, but a bit less good I think. Her boss damage is not that good since a lot of 5* have the same thing for every battles and not only raid bosses ones. (and I'm not saying that because I prefer Mountain Lily since I prefer Hyperloli actually).

But I guess they are both really good event girls.
The big thing is that mountain lily does not have counter now and won't for some time. We're getting blooms from July last year first, Mountain lily was bloomed July THIS year so do not expect her bloom form till 1 year after we get blooms added. Till then she has none and is not a counter girl.