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  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #11
    Sorry to resurrect this thread but my question is relevant here.

    Is speed useless? You guys just casually dismissed Victoria Bride as being weaker even though she has 100 more speed than Dianthus. I guess I just have no idea what speed does.

    Also, should I just grab Dianthus because she's stronger, or try to make a synergystic team with my 5* girls? I don't really have a clue how team-building works. I have Rhododendron, Belladonna, Eucharis, and Dayflower fully equip/skill unlocked, and Camellia Bride without any unlocks. Could also go farm some reissued 5* event girl if need be.

  2. #12

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    Speed affects how fast your teams move around the map. When one team has a habit of reaching the finishing pole before the last pests are killed, then that means it gets hard to 3-medal many maps. Usually, squads with comparable speeds (like, the fastest squad is at most 100 speed faster than the slowest) are easier to clear maps, but occasionally, a map requires extreme differences in speed to get those 3 medals.
    A 100 speed difference between two girls actually doesn't have a really big effect on the squad though, the squads' speed is the avarage speed of the entire squad, so if you gave Dianthus and Victoria Bride the same team members, the difference in speed between the two squads would only be about 20 speed. Sometimes that's just the bit that makes the difference, other times it doesn't make a difference.

    Still whether you pick Victoria Bride or Dianthus: they're both very good units, each with her own advantages. If you prefer one over the other, for whatever reason: get her.

    Whether to use a synergetic squad of 5* girls or a rainbow girl depends a lot on how well you manage to make your squad synergetic, and what synergy you pick. Or, you could even make a synergetic squad of 4, and add Dianthus (or whatever rainbow you may have) on top of that. Rainbow girls don't suffer from being in a squad with a different synergy, though some might severely underperform in such a situation. Dianthus and Victoria Bitter aren't the type of girls who are in the underperforming category. They could both actually greatly improve the survivability of your team (though you'd need to put the taunt skill on Victoria Bride to accomplish that).

  3. #13
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    Speed affects how fast your teams move around the map. When one team has a habit of reaching the finishing pole before the last pests are killed, then that means it gets hard to 3-medal many maps. Usually, squads with comparable speeds (like, the fastest squad is at most 100 speed faster than the slowest) are easier to clear maps, but occasionally, a map requires extreme differences in speed to get those 3 medals.
    A 100 speed difference between two girls actually doesn't have a really big effect on the squad though, the squads' speed is the avarage speed of the entire squad, so if you gave Dianthus and Victoria Bride the same team members, the difference in speed between the two squads would only be about 20 speed. Sometimes that's just the bit that makes the difference, other times it doesn't make a difference.

    Still whether you pick Victoria Bride or Dianthus: they're both very good units, each with her own advantages. If you prefer one over the other, for whatever reason: get her.

    Whether to use a synergetic squad of 5* girls or a rainbow girl depends a lot on how well you manage to make your squad synergetic, and what synergy you pick. Or, you could even make a synergetic squad of 4, and add Dianthus (or whatever rainbow you may have) on top of that. Rainbow girls don't suffer from being in a squad with a different synergy, though some might severely underperform in such a situation. Dianthus and Victoria Bitter aren't the type of girls who are in the underperforming category. They could both actually greatly improve the survivability of your team (though you'd need to put the taunt skill on Victoria Bride to accomplish that).

    and you can learn speed+ and speed- ability for the group for next to nothing

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    (though you'd need to put the taunt skill on Victoria Bride to accomplish that).
    Thanks for the reply! Just what I was looking for.

    How do you 'put' a skill on an unit? I only know how to improve skills using rainbow skillblooms I'll grow old farming.

    The girl I like best is actually Alpinia but she seems shitty and this will probably be the only 6* I'll ever get, so I'll just grab Dianthus.

  5. #15
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Asdef91 View Post
    Thanks for the reply! Just what I was looking for.

    How do you 'put' a skill on an unit? I only know how to improve skills using rainbow skillblooms I'll grow old farming.

    The girl I like best is actually Alpinia but she seems shitty and this will probably be the only 6* I'll ever get, so I'll just grab Dianthus.
    If you are only going to have one 6* , why not make it a bloomed one like Saffron or Nerine? Alpinia is a beast , but will be great when she gets bloomed.

    The equip abilities tab are the where the skills are

  6. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Asdef91 View Post
    Thanks for the reply! Just what I was looking for.

    How do you 'put' a skill on an unit? I only know how to improve skills using rainbow skillblooms I'll grow old farming.

    The girl I like best is actually Alpinia but she seems shitty and this will probably be the only 6* I'll ever get, so I'll just grab Dianthus.
    If you go to the Equip/Lock screen, you can find a purple button on the bottom left saying "Learn Abilities".

    That button takes you to a screen to learn some extra abilities for your girls. Taunt is a bloody expensive one at 7,500 Sun Medals (from the whaleship missions).
    Speed Up/Down and ATK up on first turn are much more affordable, but slightly weaker as well. But if you can afford these three, you might as well get them anyway. They are useful, and use a different currence anyway, so it won't slow you down in some other time aquiring that taunt ability (I didn't get that yet either, so don't feel as if you're way behind. These abilities are new, and many players haven't found them yet)

    To equip any abilities you bought, click on the "Equip Abilities" tab at the top.
    Select the unit you want to add the abilities to (so probably click the "1" button below the tabs)
    You should now see the icons of your girls with "Not Equiped" below them.
    Click on a girl, then select an ability you learned (they're in a colored box, the ones in grey boxes are not learned yet), and you're done for that girl.
    Repeat for all your girls in all your squads.

    -Each girl can use only 1 ability at a time
    -You can have multiple girls use the same ability at no extra cost
    -Ability levels have not been added yet
    -If you use different units with the same girls, you can assign different abilities for each unit. So Saffron could get an ATK buff in unit 1, but a DEF buff in unit 6.
    -Behind the buttons for your unit numbers, there's also a button to go to your Whaleship teams. You can add these abilities there as well.

    Oh, and Alpinia is pretty awesome in (raid)boss fights. While maps are easier with girls who hit multiple targets, bosses are easier with the single-target girls. And Alpinia will often be the longest to survive thanks to her amazing lifestealing skill. She's one of the girls who takes most noticable benefit from all jewelry, ampies and skill blooms.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If you are only going to have one 6* , why not make it a bloomed one like Saffron or Nerine? Alpinia is a beast , but will be great when she gets bloomed.
    What's the difference between a "bloomed" one, what makes if better if I only have one 6*?

    Why does Alpinia become great when bloomed? Is it because of lifesteal skill Drip mentioned below?

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Asdef91 View Post
    What's the difference between a "bloomed" one, what makes if better if I only have one 6*?

    Why does Alpinia become great when bloomed? Is it because of lifesteal skill Drip mentioned below?
    Check this link for what she will get at some future date. Bloomed abilities are not available yet for Alpinia. only evolved


    Bloomed abilities are available right now for Nerine and Saffron who can hit multiple targets and for Sakura who is single target.

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