Quote Originally Posted by JellyWoW View Post
To be clear, RNG in the Calla event makes a lot of sense. The whole point of that event was to get medals. Once you got all 36 medals (3 x 12) BOOM! done with event. Event took less than an hour to complete or was not even possible. It all depended on your luck then.
I don't remember if I did the original event, but 36 for the whole event, or just for Call + Blooms?

But yeah, the difficulty to finish the event currency is related to the difficulty of the mission themselves.
Here, it's the raid boss that gives the currency, and they can be quite full of HP (lvl 80-90), so no need to add another problem with getting less summoning items.

On the other side, an event like this one gives me more time to do other missions.
I'm waiting for the whaleship to come back tomorrow, I need purple manyus for Evening Primrose and some flowering hearts ^^