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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    You did just roll 2 of the best 4* in the game tho... for a new player that is not terrible.

    Also on the gatcha vs Event girls debate. With 100% affection or even 2nd affection now the stat difference becomes very noticeable also most event girls not only have weaker passives but also weaker active skills making that lvl 5 skill not as good as it first seems.

    Example to back up statement:

    Gentian Event Girl vs Hop Gatcha Girl

    12224 / 5484 / 2426 / +3% atk for each nest up to 12% / -10% skill rate for 2 enemies / 20-30% skill chance at 2.2x single target damage

    13672 / 6728 / 2466 / medium dodge / +1-15% atk based on affection / 28-37% skill chance at 2.4x single target and HP Drain

    They are both slice girls, both single target. Hop starts with 28% skill chance and Gentian ends at 30% with rank 4 being 27%.

    1 Equip slot = +1800 stats at max equip level
    4 Equip slot = +5600 stats at max equip level

    so 3800 more stats from equip but Hop is already +2700 up in stats... so over all you get +1100 in stats with bad passives and a worse activate skill that doesn't heal.

    TL;DR: Apart from 3-4 of the first event girls, Gatcha girls are better to have. Only time this is wrong is if they have an OP passive like Geranium and her 1.2x skill activation chance.
    Flower Knight Girl: 255445855

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    4*s are of zero help to my team other than I guess Whale missions which I still would not be strong enough to accomplish with them.
    I currently have 3 4*'s and 4 3*'s in my team, which I am trying to get rid of, and I already have 9 5*'s to replace them, once I can get the 4*s and 3*s low enough to push them out:
    What should i use Flower Gems for?-teamcurrent.png

    P.S. I just collected my 58th day log in reward... Does that still count me as a new player?
    Last edited by Neison; 11-01-2017 at 09:28 PM.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Well I just collected my 550th a few days ago.... so I guess it does lol.
    Flower Knight Girl: 255445855

  4. #14
    Neison: OMGz you haz Treasure Flower and Rose, gimme them, I wants it -__-

    Anywho, you can only increase capacity so much. Eventually you'll have a surplus of FGs, I say heck with it and roll some Gatchas, that's half of the fun of the game. Or save 'em if there's a specific event coming up in which a girl you want is going to be there. Tho I'm having same issue, save FGs or use them, RNG is a b**ch, just something all of us need to live with.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Neison View Post
    So decided to roll gacha, because yea Gacha isnt a waste of Flower gems.
    Attachment 7301
    Gacha is garbage.
    Bad luck on that one, but don't get discouraged.
    As I've mentioned, the rates for good rolls on Nutaku seem to be higher than on DMM (from my own experience).
    Considering that, this roll of yours was just unlucky.
    Well, in the end it is a roll of the dice.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #16
    Unregistered Guest
    It depends. Sometimes I buy expansions as needed. Often times I use them for stamina refils to farm certain things needed. Sometimes I do a 5 gem pull and regret it. Once in a while I go for a period of time not using them at all and save up for a 10+1 pull.

    Most of them do go for stamina refils tho. Right now I'm using them to refil stamina and farm presents. I have a weird desire to max all the girls, even ones I don't use. A waste perhaps but oh well.

  7. #17
    Consider how rare FG are, it also depends on if you planning to play long time, if not then really just spend them on gacha, if not, then soo many decisions

    Long term playing considerations

    Even just collecting event girls only your going to get alot of girls, so you eventually have to expand unit capacity, so might as well spend a few.
    More event girls means you will need equipment capacity, so same thing might as well make room.
    although I ahve not hit the unit maximum capacity or the equipment maximum capacity, you do need to spend a few currrently 220 for gear and 300 for girls.

    Whale missions have been mentions, but if you look at rewards, i do with spare stamina and am after the exclusive items, BUT they seem permanent, so no rush, also need blooming mats, but you can consider later if your starting/young account.

    Gacha rolls, is really personal choice, i like collecting girls, i consider it part of the game, i do spend money on this game, but certianly not a full whale spender, but for the thread, spend the FG if you see a knight in a event Gacha you would like a chance of rolling, but NEVER roll on the premium gacha. if you want a second chance at a event Gacha, wait for a re-issue, collecting FG while waiting.

    personally i never spend FG on stamina or Raid points, Stam might be worth while at laters levels, but certianly NEVER with a low level account.
    Raid points might be for a event, but have not had to do so yet.

    Lastly the discussion about event girls vs gacha girls, my view is event girls are better, not worrying about stats, but it does come down to gear, gear does become really important, even event items are huge increase, so yea, if you think you get a Gacha girl with 4 equipment slots, then they are more powerful than a event girl, but if your not spending cash, and not a fortune teller, then getting that gacha girl with 4 slots is not going to happen happen, you will get duplicates, but your not going to know which dupes, so i would not plan around something you have NO control over.
    IF you manage to get knights with more equipments slot, you can always just level them up, knowing you will need the old knight for whale missions, remember whale missions need 40 knight.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Rampage View Post
    Consider how rare FG are, it also depends on if you planning to play long time, if not then really just spend them on gacha, if not, then soo many decisions

    Long term playing considerations

    Even just collecting event girls only your going to get alot of girls, so you eventually have to expand unit capacity, so might as well spend a few.
    More event girls means you will need equipment capacity, so same thing might as well make room.
    although I ahve not hit the unit maximum capacity or the equipment maximum capacity, you do need to spend a few currrently 220 for gear and 300 for girls.

    Whale missions have been mentions, but if you look at rewards, i do with spare stamina and am after the exclusive items, BUT they seem permanent, so no rush, also need blooming mats, but you can consider later if your starting/young account.

    Gacha rolls, is really personal choice, i like collecting girls, i consider it part of the game, i do spend money on this game, but certianly not a full whale spender, but for the thread, spend the FG if you see a knight in a event Gacha you would like a chance of rolling, but NEVER roll on the premium gacha. if you want a second chance at a event Gacha, wait for a re-issue, collecting FG while waiting.

    personally i never spend FG on stamina or Raid points, Stam might be worth while at laters levels, but certianly NEVER with a low level account.
    Raid points might be for a event, but have not had to do so yet.

    Lastly the discussion about event girls vs gacha girls, my view is event girls are better, not worrying about stats, but it does come down to gear, gear does become really important, even event items are huge increase, so yea, if you think you get a Gacha girl with 4 equipment slots, then they are more powerful than a event girl, but if your not spending cash, and not a fortune teller, then getting that gacha girl with 4 slots is not going to happen happen, you will get duplicates, but your not going to know which dupes, so i would not plan around something you have NO control over.
    IF you manage to get knights with more equipments slot, you can always just level them up, knowing you will need the old knight for whale missions, remember whale missions need 40 knight.
    Number wise you do not need to get 4 slots on a gatcha girl to be better then an event girl, 2 is enough to out pace the stats of a 4 equip event girl. As for the rest, we already know that gatcha girls are better in both skills and passives. Still free content is free content and I must admit to liking a lot of the event girls by looks and personality.
    Flower Knight Girl: 255445855

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