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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    What should i use Flower Gems for? [Solved]

    I know about the Gacha, but is it even worth using? Should I be using Flower Gems to upgrade my Unit and Equipment storage instead?

    I ask this because rolling a 5* from gacha seems worthless as you get 5*'s from events with dress blooms and skill blooms, and sometimes even equipment. The only reason I could even fathom on rolling Gacha is for a 6* which even without equips would be higher than Event 5*'s. But at 0.5% chance, even rolling 50 gems for 11 chances, only give about a 5.5% probability of a 6*.

    Am I wrong to think this way? Is there something I'm missing?

    (I already have my waifu, my good ol' 3* Jasmine)
    Last edited by Neison; 11-01-2017 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Well... I think event girls stats are dumbed way down so that they're barely 5 stars. While you should use some FG on girl and equipment slots, i think until you have a solid crew, the gacha isn't worthless. (unless you roll silvers and bronze all the time like me on DMM).

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well... I think event girls stats are dumbed way down so that they're barely 5 stars. While you should use some FG on girl and equipment slots, i think until you have a solid crew, the gacha isn't worthless. (unless you roll silvers and bronze all the time like me on DMM).
    So looking at Event.Ficaria(/wiki/Lesser_Celandine) vs Rolled.Sarcandra(/wiki/Chloranthus)

    HP: 15782 ATK: 6758 DEF: 3334

    HP: 14516 ATK: 6122 DEF: 2204

    I see that indeed the Rolled.Sarcandra does have higher stats at max level(which you cant achieve Bloomed on either yet) but with only 1 slot open for Sarcandra and 4 slots open for Ficaria, Putting the equipment set awarded during the event will greatly over power the Rolled.Sarcandra. I haven't Stat checked every 5* vs Event Girl but after checking a few I came to the epiphany that Gacha rolling is legit garbage.

    But if you have reasons that will convince me otherwise. Please help me!

  4. #4
    Abilities generally matter much more than stats using your example Ficaria 2 abilities are mehish. Hp heal on pest nodes is only really useful on specific levels(like 12-5) and very little use on most other levels. WHile the -5% atack miss could be good with a specific dodge heavy team with other debuffs.

    Sarcanda +10% attack for all squad members is really good(with a full squad of knights with 6k plus attack thats like a +3k att bonus in total) and medium dodge can gives a lot more survivability.

    I fell you should use gems to upgrade storage intill you feel you have enough than use the rest for 10+1 gatchas. While they say the drop rate is only .5% its actually seems MUCH higher recently. I think i have rolled rainbows in 6 of my last 7 10+1 pulls along with about 25 golds.

  5. #5

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    Personally, I use the FGs only for the gacha and storage expansions, with the first one having a higher priority. I expand only when I'm no longer comfortable with needing to sell something to make enough room to start a new mission. I use only the FGs found in the game - I'm not buying any.

    The thing is, you want to have as many 5*+ knights as you can get.

    In missions like the national ones or the whale ship ones you'll need a lot of stronger girls. The units below 5* may be enough at the start, but when the missions get harder, they'll need to be replaced by stronger ones.

    Additionally, this is a game based on collecting different units. Since we have quite a number of different characters with their own voices and quirks, I'd think not using the gacha is kind of a waste.

    Other than that, the Nutaku gacha got unofficially buffed, so it's easier to get good units off it compared to the original DMM one. It's actually one of the few (if not the only) advantages this version has over the other.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

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    The answer to the OP's question depends on the answer to another question: are you willing to spend money on this game?

    If yes, then the flower gems have significantly more value for expanding your inventories and refreshing stamina (not raid points since they regenerate fairly quickly).

    If no, then the only way you're going to get the better performing/higher stat girls is to play the gacha and yes, you should use FGs for it.

    The event girls are fine for a good while when starting out and a few of the event girls can hold their own or better against many gacha 5* (Edelweiss, Lavender for instance), but for the most part, event girls aren't as strong as the gacha 5* if you disregard the equipment slots with one caveat: if you're not spending money on the game, then you're not likely getting any dressblooms which means the only way to build gacha girls skills/equipment slots is to fuse dupes and that is going to take a -long- while to do so.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    i only use FGs for gacha and character expansion. expand characters for every 5 new girls i get, and since i get 5 FGs for maxing their affections, that's 4 extra FGs to go towards gacha.

  8. #8

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    Oct 2017
    So I've decided that though Event girls are better in the short run, Gacha would be more useful in the long run because I would eventually come across dupes while doing it. Also as Volarmis reminded me Whale mission exist. I was only thinking about getting a solid team of 20, and forgot I needed more for Whale. But here are my responses to each reply I hadnt gotten to yet.

    I didn't account for abilities in my calculations. I do agree that abilites are needed and that some Event 5*'s abilities suck. Thank you for the information, I'll look more into abilities of both event and Gacha Girls

    I completely forgot about the whale honestly. And Gacha is the best way to get to doing whales sooner. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    I can't agree that gacha 5*s are "stronger" than Event girls. I mean, yes, if you disregard the fact that event girls have 4 slots and lv.5 skills, then a Max level gacha 5* 1 slot lv.1 skill would be stronger by pure base stats.

    Hello and welcome, be it a guest or someone that just decided not to log in.
    Taking in account that each new girl can give 3FG's because of 2nd affection, I can see how this system can be quite useful.

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neison View Post
    I can't agree that gacha 5*s are "stronger" than Event girls. I mean, yes, if you disregard the fact that event girls have 4 slots and lv.5 skills, then a Max level gacha 5* 1 slot lv.1 skill would be stronger by pure base stats.
    That's precisely why I said gacha 5*s are stronger, not only by pure base stats but more importantly their abilities; the only edge most event girls have are the initial dress/skill slots; most gacha 5*'s with full slots will outperform event 5*s. You can take a gacha 5* to full slots, you can't take an event girl to better stats/skills.
    Last edited by Taon; 11-01-2017 at 05:53 PM.

  10. #10

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    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Taon View Post
    ...and for the most part, they are stronger by not only pure base stats but more importantly by skills. The only edge most event girls have are the initial dress/skill slots; most gacha 5*'s with full slots will outperform event 5*s; this isn't even debatable.
    I agree,
    But rolling 3 extra 5* dupes from gacha is a low probability. I wouldn't argue the fact that rolling a 5* would be stronger in the long run. I am arguing that using gacha to get 5*'s was a waste of FGems (which i now understand is not). However, being that as it may, 5* event's will continue to be stronger than a 5* gacha whom have only 1-2 slots. Yes, you could take the equipment that you get from the event and put it on a 5* gacha girl, but unless they have 2+ equipment slots open, those equipments would be better spent on the Event girls. Yes the gacha pool has girls with better Abilities, but it also has ones with just as bad or even worse abilities as some Event girls. Without Dupes 5* gacha girls will never beat Event 5*s.

    TL:DR : I agree, if Gacha 5* has 2+ equipment slots.

    So decided to roll gacha, because yea Gacha isnt a waste of Flower gems.
    What should i use Flower Gems for?-screenshot_gacha_2017-11-02_02-33-06.jpg
    Gacha is garbage.
    Last edited by Neison; 11-01-2017 at 07:38 PM.

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