Quote Originally Posted by PSthebest View Post
2nd Evolution
I want to know [i]which[i] girls I can actually evolve now.
6* (in case you get one): Nerine, Cherry, Sakura.
5*: Edel, Orchid, Nameless Evening Primrose.

New ones will be added every 2 weeks.

Quote Originally Posted by PSthebest View Post
Should I just stick a huge number of girls of the same type even if their level is very low? Should I pick my strongest girls of that specific type on team 1 or should I stick with the combinations? How exactly does the fight with the pests work? I'm really confused about this new mechanic.
Use your 40 strongest girls and then change out the ones at the bottom until you have 16 girls of the type you want your ship to be.
Stages consist of two different fight types.
  • Raid Boss Ship Battles: You attack the ancient pest until you deal ~50% damage and then the pest will flee. You in total fight the ancient pest up to 3 times.
  • Deck Battles: Just like normal fights, if all your units in a squad die, then the next squad will take the deck and continue fighting.

If either your ship or all 9 squads (8+helper) die, you lose. Chances are your ship will die before all 9 squads will.

Quote Originally Posted by PSthebest View Post
[*]New equipment
I have to say that extra Exclusive Equipment slot is one of the best changes regarding that (Still hoping that someday equipped itens won't force me to expand my inventory), but I've come across a problem with Camellia's earring. It was equipped in the earring slot, but after I tried to change slots it now says it's a Camellia BRIDE exclusive. Luckily Camellia Bride was one of the last girls I acquired before I stoped playing so I gave the earrings to her even though she is not maxed out like my Camellia. But the real problem is that I can't do Camellia's quest anymore since it doesn't show up.
This is a known bug, it will be fixed in the future. Although I cannot give a date as this is not a priority to them at the minute.

Quote Originally Posted by PSthebest View Post
[*]Second Affection
Is it worth spending my gifts on the forge? Does the second affection really make that big of a difference anyway?
Do not use forge until all your girls have 100% max affection. Then sure, why not. And yes, second affection can make a big difference.

Quote Originally Posted by PSthebest View Post
[*]Life Crystals
Well I used to gather 1000 life crystals to spend on the rainbow and gold skillbloom then wait for the next refresh and do it again. I can see there are other life crystal exclusive itens now so should I stop buying the skillblooms? Can you comfortably farm the 1000 crystals and still get those petal things before the next refresh?
Get only the rainbow skillbloom, you can ignore everything else really. Only buy petals when you need them. No reason to stockpile petals.
Also, because of whale, getting life crystals is very hard now. You can get the gold skillblooms if you need but I would only do that if you have a gold unit that has 4 equipment slots already at this point.

Quote Originally Posted by PSthebest View Post
Oh and please tell me what are those blue crystals from the special mission used for???? I know you can use the gard amulets to get the event girl & stuff but what about the blue crystals you gain from the chests?
The blue crystals are for the current event going on, you use them to vote on which girl you think will win the race and you get event currency based on if you were right or not.