See I got a 5* from that ticket and I'm a bit of a whale but to be honest it did not piss me off at all. If anything I thought it was a good thing. F2P getting upset over a free 5* just because they missed out on that 50% 6* was and still is stupid, free stuff is free stuff after all. Whales getting pissed over missing the 6* hit was even stupider since the chance for them that even a 6* would end up being a dupe was so high. I mean for a whale what difference does 1 extra copy of a 6* you already have matter? or even a new 6*? you are still going to buy the next greatest thing anyway and it's not like F2P players getting a free 6* makes any of your own spending less relevant. Hell this game is not even PvP in any way shape or form, what others have / get has nothing to do with how well you are doing.

TL;DR Realistically that ticket was a great gift from the devs that they never had to give out and anyone complaining about it was just being childish.