Quote Originally Posted by phob View Post
I only got ATK maxed on Dendro. The most important thing besides ATK with her is skill blooms. If her skill is at max, then only running 3 regular 1.2 skill act girls guarantees that she will double strike.(or one Daisy, Viola, Cymbidium, future Hollyhock when she's bloomed, and others) Usually that is more than enough to wipe out the enemy by itself. If its not, then bring out the Kraken. DEF and HP are better used elsewhere like on counter and debuff girls IMHO.

She is a one trick pony, but its a hell of a trick

One more thing, Don't run Dendro and Kerria on the same team! Kerria needs everyone on her team to have skill act boost if possible...and it is

Really? I just decimated the 90 stamina Pierce Whale Mission. Party 1 consists of Daisy, Anemone, Mei, Dendro, and Kerria! It was devastating, they wiped the floor with all the enemies!

Edit: If you don't mind telling me what Squad 1 would you use (which characters would you swap?)