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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #1
    MyLovelyForm Guest

    Exclamation Selling Flower Knight Girl SSS Tier account 21 rainbows +more

    Account was made since game released and played it everyday for 900+ days.
    Level: 164
    Flower Gems : 312 ( and u can get 50+ more from second affections i already have gifts/hearts for that)
    6 stars: 21 (check screenshot for more) , 10 maxed Ampy stats
    5 stars: 136 (included all event girls so far)
    Rainbow medals: 306 ( u can get any 6* whenever u want, included new girls that will come)
    Highest total power party : 645.002
    Second evo/bloom girls: 37 ( all lvl 80 beside 1)
    Second affection girls: 60 and u can do it on 12 more girls u want ,rest 100% normal affection and u have unlimited gifts to make 100% affection anyone ull have, like 1500+ gifts
    Nectars(50% stamina) : 65
    Bond Crystals: 61k
    Sun Medals: 22k
    Mid-High Grade Equipment seeds: 1.100.000 +
    Equipments: 130 maxed equips , 12 maxed whale equips , rest event and rare equips maxed
    Whale Ship: 1.250.000+ total power with any elemental whale ship, you can clear any whale content on auto.
    etc, for more info contact me

    I dont have time to play nutaku games anymore so i wanna let some1 else enjoy my account and hope to get something back too, Is like impossible to whale a account like this and get what i have, this took me so many days to reach that and hope to get a decent offer, i dont expect to get how much my account worth coz is kinda priceless for me but for a nice offer i can let it go.


    Contact me on Discord : MyLovelyForm#0760

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    I would not recommend this since the account will be perma banned fairly quick. Selling accounts always seems to lead to perma bans, nutaku seems to have a way of knowing when it changes hands.
    Flower Knight Girl: 255445855

  3. #3

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    Theres no point starting up a new account on Nutaku, Superhippo doesnt care to fix numerous bugs and bringing even minimum content like a single Aqua Shadow Stage and blooms for all knights.

    In DMM FKG you can quite literally blaze through your daily quests and stamina as optimization is absolutely phenomenal as well as all the goodies they barrage players with.

  4. #4
    MyLovelyForm Guest
    there no way to detect sold accounts and they never strict on this things i remember few years ago everyone scripting on IWZ and they dont care, even played with VPN on by mistake and logged in from diff country too , they have 0 proof if some1 sell their account if nobody ticket or something bout that..
    and i tried DMM FKG but rates seems lower than Nutaku and u waste too much time in DMM coz no auto mode, the only thing that keep me to play FKG for 2 years + was that it doesn't ate me much time and i have time for other games.

  5. #5

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    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by MyLovelyForm View Post
    there no way to detect sold accounts and they never strict on this things i remember few years ago everyone scripting on IWZ and they dont care, even played with VPN on by mistake and logged in from diff country too , they have 0 proof if some1 sell their account if nobody ticket or something bout that..
    and i tried DMM FKG but rates seems lower than Nutaku and u waste too much time in DMM coz no auto mode, the only thing that keep me to play FKG for 2 years + was that it doesn't ate me much time and i have time for other games.
    Well ok, but Discord has had multiple people complaining about accounts they bought being perma banned... seems they have a way to know. No Idea how tho.
    Flower Knight Girl: 255445855

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by MyLovelyForm View Post
    and i tried DMM FKG but rates seems lower than Nutaku and u waste too much time in DMM coz no auto mode, the only thing that keep me to play FKG for 2 years + was that it doesn't ate me much time and i have time for other games.
    Disclaimer: I don't want this to degenerate to a debate which version is better and what not. People just have different preferences.

    I don't know where those misconceptions came from but the Gacha Rates are exactly the same. RNG can always screw you regardless which version you play.

    I can only speak for myself but i played the Nutaku Version for about 8 months and i only got 2 Rainbows from the Gacha. On DMM I have got approximately 20 Rainbows from Gachas without paying for them. We also just have more chances to get Rainbows cause DMM Devs are more generous.

    It's just a myth that rates on DMM are lower than rates on Nutaku.

    Auto Mode would be nice on DMM. Not gonna lie. It doesn't bother me to much but it would be nice to have.
    Last edited by Wutan; 12-23-2018 at 08:03 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    Disclaimer: I don't want this to degenerate to a debate which version is better and what not. People just have different preferences.

    I don't know where those misconceptions came from but the Gacha Rates are exactly the same. RNG can always screw you regarless which version you play.

    I can only speak for myself but i played the Nutaku Version for about 8 months and i only got 2 Rainbows from the Gacha. On DMM I have got approximately 20 Rainbows from Gachas without paying for them. We also just have more chances to get Rainbows cause DMM Devs are more generous.

    It's just a myth that rates on DMM are lower than rates on Nutaku.

    Auto Mode would be nice on DMM. Not gonna lie. It doesn't bother me to much but it would be nice to have.

    Excuse me but clearly Flower Knight on the N64 is the best version... smh

    Anywho, the reason selling accounts never works, is because cards that are linked give away the sale quickly.

    Regardless, this is against the TOC and tracking people is actually suprisingly easy. I understand why you would like to sell, but still, no.

    Flower Knight Commander | IGN: Ampchan | FKGID: 300316473 | Discord Name: Ampchan
    Total Power: 658K | 41/52 Current Allies | Level 165 | FKG Discord Channel

  8. #8

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    Let's devolved into Nutaku vs DMM again

    Last time one person got banned or was it 2

  9. #9

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    Nah bro it's all good
    It doesn't look like a war between the versions atm.

    I just wanted to debunk a myth that's all.

    Btw. about Account Selling:

    I don't know anything about account selling but it's against nutaku's term of use so i wouldn't risk selling my account personally (but i don't want to sell any of my Accounts anyway. Neither Nutaku nor DMM xD).

    Since the person wants to quit anyway because of time constraints he/she might as well try it though
    Last edited by Wutan; 12-23-2018 at 06:27 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    Let's devolved into Nutaku vs DMM again

    Last time one person got banned or was it 2
    Wait, people got banned arguing over this? I don't mean to derail the main topic here, but I really want to see that. Anyone, I'd be grateful if you could point me to where I may see this .

    But as for the whole account selling thing, I don't think account sharing is worth it here. If what you're saying is true about it being created since the beginning and you playing it every day, then it'd be a darn shame for an account like that to get taken down. It's pretty much a lose-lose situation for everyone involved: you losing your 3-year account and the buyer losing money.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

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