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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    PeroPero Cross-Promotion

    PeroPero Cross-Promotion


    Simply click the banner that appears on the .net version of FKG and participate in the 'Elite Guard' Event. You must acquire at least 1,000 Event Points (EP) to get the rewards. You earn EP by spinning the event slot machine, summoning an Elite Guard, and then defeating her. Getting 1,000 EP doesn't take that long, maybe like 10-15 minutes depending on how lucky you are with Elite Guard summons. It plays similar to Raid Boss events on FKG where you get currency by using 'Focus' (which is like Raid Boss points) on summoned bosses. Like FKG you can have a max of 6 Focus at a time, though instead you recover 1 point every 5 minutes. The higher level the Elite Guard, the higher her HP is and the higher the EP gain upon defeating her.
    You can find details about the event here:

    Once you get 1,000 EP you can stop playing and the rewards should be sent to your account briefly. I believe you have to login to your .net FKG account to receive the rewards too.

    The banner will only appear on the .net version of FKG since PPS is a .net only game.
    The banner will only show up once a day.
    You have to enter PPS by clicking the banner shown when you log in. You will most likely not get the rewards if you enter the game by any other means.
    You can get the rewards regardless of if you played the game before or not.
    Last edited by Myers; 04-06-2019 at 01:09 PM.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

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