Quote Originally Posted by Quarters View Post
I'm well aware that the team would be more powerful with off-element eidolons. I'll change them eventually, but at the moment I'm having fun with a pure Wind Team. It does make me excited to see how much of a power boost will come from doing so...

As for Souls, this is the one team where it will never change. I doubt Slashley remembers that they once recommended a change for me, but this is more of a personal thing than an optimization thing. I have an obsession with Jehanne D'Arc across various shows, games, manga, and real life.
If you aren't willing to trade out Joan, you should rebuild your team around that. Right now it's overloaded with defense and healing abilities and not enough offense. Make sure Joan's using Saint Gauche for the elemental damage and give her Black Propaganda.

I'd use Cybele, Azazel, and Hastur in your main team and, if you plan on MTix, CuChulain or Titania. The other Himes you have are pure defense or healing. They're fine in reserve. Do you have any good Offensive Wind SRs? You might get mileage out of that.
