Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
just to add on to what others have already mentioned, constant events does not mean catering to vets, but means progress for aigis as a whole such they have a consistent pace and we can be assured that they can reach the point where DMM is currently at. Right now, because of the vast amount of events on DMM side, they were able to implement daily revivals, which means 30+ new units to farm every month, on top of having current events. Starting anew on DMM is naturally tough due to being behind veterans, but they also happen to have plenty of SC and other freebie giveaways. Just recently (last week actually) we had an iOS celebration where they gave out 7 gold exp fairies in total (special fairies that give 18k exp to a gold unit, which means you can instantly level golds from 1 to cc60 using 3 of them) which helps newbies to rush up due to the increasing difficulty of current event maps to cater to veterans (I played for 9 months on DMM and still can't 3* the last map of the most recent star rush), as well as the fact that newbies get 21 SC in total from login bonuses when starting the game.

tl;dr breaks are NOT catering to beginners; freebies and events (to farm silvers and event units to strengthen team) are.

and I still think not having a new event unit is a step backwards, because you don't sacrifice new events. I'd rather be closer to the op event units than be glad about having revivals that kind of diverge from our original path. (or rather, just give me lieselotte and katie copies already. I know there are some people who screwed up their katie on nutaku or refuse to use her...)
Catching up to DMM will never happen. If thats a Problem for someone, he shouldnt be playing here in the first place.
Nothing wrong with the wish for constant content delivering. It doesnt have to be fired out of machine guns though.