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Thread: No more bosses?

  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #1

    No more bosses?

    Up until today, my boss tab always had 10+ options, now its been empty all day. Is this because of the new event?

  2. #2
    Would not say no bosses, but raid bosses are very rare now, even with refreshing the page i do not get any, when i really think about it, only got bosses i spawned myself and maybe 2-3 other in last 24 hours.

  3. #3
    There's a trick to properly refreshing the boss tab. Namely, feed your girls some gifts, and voila! bosses will be flooding your queue.

  4. #4
    Don't forget equipping/un-equipping gear on your girls and upgrading the gear itself also refreshes your boss tab.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Thing is, when there is no raid boss event going, and event maps spawn nearly no bosses, even if you do all the "refresh boss list" tricks, it can be barren for hours.

    Thats why having a level 1 2* girl without affection bonuses is so popular among some people, cause you can 1 RB shot bosses for 200 dmg fast, so that you have a chance that boss you spawned wont die before you make your second attack .

    Of course having allies who you talk with on discord on something to share bosses among each other with some kind of deal that you share boss and allies will just poke, and then you nuke him yourself after some time or some other strategy would help a lot.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 04-05-2017 at 10:55 PM.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eversor86 View Post
    Thing is, when there is no raid boss event going, and event maps spawn nearly no bosses, even if you do all the "refresh boss list" tricks, it can be barren for hours.

    Thats why having a level 1 2* girl without affection bonuses is so popular among some people, cause you can 1 RB shot bosses for 200 dmg fast, so that you have a chance that boss you spawned wont die before you make your second attack .

    Of course having allies who you talk with on discord on something to share bosses among each other with some kind of deal that you share boss and allies will just poke, and then you nuke him yourself after some time or some other strategy would help a lot.
    Not to mention, the spawnrate for bosses is *way* lower on the regular maps than it is on the event maps during an RB event. And we don't have a mechanic to force-spawn a boss either outside these events. But, humans are habitual creatures, so the players who got used to nuking every boss in sight last week will keep doing so for a few more days.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    East EU
    I just wait till my 40 stamina map farming will spawn a boss (took me 8 runs today lol for first spawn), then I just use that single 2* to poke it, share it, and poke it 1 or best case 2 times more. If I spawn them more often than RB regenerate, then I just wait for RB single poke and share, people will poke/nuke them - doesn't matter to me - all always die so I'm fine. And I don't care if I use 3 RBs on a shitty 40lvl boss, cause I care more about doing daily quest than getting more shards for equip gacha.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    Not to mention, the spawnrate for bosses is *way* lower on the regular maps than it is on the event maps during an RB event. And we don't have a mechanic to force-spawn a boss either outside these events. But, humans are habitual creatures, so the players who got used to nuking every boss in sight last week will keep doing so for a few more days.
    And they are more fragile than the event bosses.
    I'm only nuking my own low level bosses and within 10 minutes before maintenance (did that once this morning though it was hardly needed). Over level 70 Seeds will be shared with allies to hopefully let a few people have a chance at getting a hit in for the daily quest.

  9. #9
    Thanks, giving gifts works like a charm.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    For me, the fastest way to reset the raid bosses is by auto-arranging any team a few times.
    If no new bosses appear, just repeat the auto-arranging until some do.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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