Alright it is time to take an in depth look at Daisy. I've never had her on my team. If I remember correctly, she seemed somewhat popular on the Nutaku side. So let's see how things work out.


At a quick glance, Daisy is reminding me a lot of qualities that Anemone had including her Pierce type. Her HP is disappointing as it is lower than a good amount of rainbows we've already covered. Her DEF stats are not really impressive either. Where she shines best is her ATK stat which is pretty high, putting her into a glass canon comparison situation. So while her ATK is superior to Anemone's, she is fails in the other two categories.

Skills are pretty decent as she hits 2 enemies for 3.6% damage. What is even better than Anemone is that she has a higher trigger rate of this skill. But then again, while having Anemone myself who hits 3 random single targets before a weaker AOE final blow, it doesn't come off as superior since she only hits each enemy once albeit harder. I would say they are both equal in this respect so Daisy gets a good grade on her skill.

Now here is where it gets ugly, especially when comparing her to Anemone who has largely the same ability set. Daisy increases DEF for party members by 14% and increases damage reduction while defending by 2.1%. By comparison, Anemone increase DEF 30% and damage reduction while defending by 5.3%... She doesn't even get the Super Counter. Daisy increases Crit activation rate by 20% and Crit damage by 15% compared to Anemone's 30% Crit rate and 40% Crit dmg. Daisy only barely wins out to Anemone with the standard ability ATK increase at 35% compared to Anemone's 30%. Daisy has at least one ability that Anemone does not, which is to increase team's skill activation rate by 1.65x. But that is only on first turn.

Damn. That's just sad when you look at it. At first glance, Daisy is just about the same as Anemone with a few minor differences. But at deeper look into the actual numbers and stats, she is clearly inferior by comparison. Not saying she is a terrible rainbow to have and she can help flesh out a crit focused team. But there are certainly better ones out there.

Final grade: C-Tier

Waifu judgment

F-Tier! As in get the F outta here with your loli behind. This ride is for adults only.