Quote Originally Posted by Ancarius View Post
I just want to go sure.
So i should always use one 1 Raid Point with a as weak as possible squad an maybe even don't use skip on them. What about using 3x 1 Point on a raid Boss or will the participation Bonus stay the same? Raid Bosses die so fast on my list i'm lucky enough to spent even points on them. Also i do have to make my main squad qeak, since it switches always back to the first set?
it should stop switching back after a fair no. of times. at least mine doesnt really switch all the time now. also, using x3 and x5 is exactly my point here. don't do it because participation bonus is fixed per hit.

also, i think there's a bug where seed bearers now last 24h. but I can understand killing seed bearers if you didnt set a lvl 1 2* specifically for it. but come on, 400k on a 500k hp wasp raid boss is plain retarded kthx.

edit: I knew of raid boss damage exceeding, but I didn't know that skipping ahead delays the kill. thanks for the info. however, I think making everyone wait is a little pointless, they might as well remove the skip function in that case =/ so yeah. but at least reduce damage on boss >_> 100k per person is not too low to ask for, right?