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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1
    At least I got a hit in before RIP Thank you for 200 seeds.

    FKG Phalzyr - 757324278 - Level 143 - Total Power: 447K 34/34 Allies

  2. #2
    These people should tried DMM FKG, there's event bosses who drop whale ticket (can be traded for 5* Belladonna and 4* Forget-me-not) and try to online during japanese busy hour. They will never waste 3 raid points for 1 boss anymore. Even having 6 raid points feels not enough. Myself have collected 2.5k ticket for merely 3 days by poking someone else lv 80-90 bosses
    LoV : Nikonana and MidorFeed RIP in PIECES
    Aigis : Nikonana lv 181 quit due no interest
    FKG : 971807181 Lv 103 27/30 slot 370k

  3. #3
    Mystic, you realize that was my first time seeing a seed bearer? I didn't know what the hell it was until after I fought it. It makes me sad that you assumed I was being a jerk. I was surprised to see it was fragile and gave alot of seeds because my main helper team isn't that powerful. In fact I expected my entire team to get wiped.

    Edit: In fact I didn't read this thread until like few minutes ago. Oh and I read on Ulmf forums' thread about flower knight girls more often than I go to harem battle club and it should be mentioned that seed bearer raid bosses doesnt even get mentioned over there at all. I already got a special party set up for future seed bearers, Some lvl 1 crap girl.

    Sooo, its more likely that people oneshot raid bosses simply out of ignorance because they don't read every single forum or enter chat program all the time. I am one of these people. Peace out. Oh yes, and I was checking the forums today to find out what the hell seed bearer was and about to ask why it was so squishy.
    Last edited by Ericridge; 05-08-2016 at 11:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Don't get why they are that made for a game, it's like they are doing a witch hunt for this x) But I feel you Ericridge.

    I don't know but can you guys remove all the picture showing names? Or at least change them for pictures with the name hidden. Because I'm pretty sure it's against the rules of every forums to do so. And it can be very negative for the players you actually shit on. When they can simply be ignorant. Thanks in advance.

    Now instead of raging by posting those pictures, maybe try to ask an in-game mail to dev. Like this you can directly warn your allies if they do bad

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Kamakiri View Post
    I don't know but can you guys remove all the picture showing names? Or at least change them for pictures with the name hidden. Because I'm pretty sure it's against the rules of every forums to do so. And it can be very negative for the players you actually shit on. When they can simply be ignorant. Thanks in advance.

    Now instead of raging by posting those pictures, maybe try to ask an in-game mail to dev. Like this you can directly warn your allies if they do bad
    Most of us are just posting pics to warn others here of the ignorance of certain players, not ridicule or call those doing it names or such, so I don't see how that is against any rules. If they come here and read what they are doing is wrong then they'll learn how to play the game better. (Like me) I hadn't even thought about making a seed bearer squad before reading this thread (though mostly because I never seen one other than tutorial one)

    All nutaku games seems to lack one fundamental thing MMOs typically have. Some way to communicate with others playing. It'd be nice to have a message system since chat would be more complicated and server resource impacting. That way we could explain to them why doing things like this helps no one rather than just removing them form friends lists (though I never have done that myself simply do to hitting too hard)

    FKG Phalzyr - 757324278 - Level 143 - Total Power: 447K 34/34 Allies

  6. #6
    I'm just gonna say that I'm less opposed to seed bearer destruction since a normal raid attack with a standard team easily gets rid of it. but remember, I made this thread because of 400k+ damage dealers. I'm sure everyone can agree with me that 400k+ dmg is not even remotely possible from a normal player with total power below 300k w/o raid boss damage boosting girls (like scarlet tulip) with 1 raid point attack.

    my original purpose was to discourage multiple-powerful-hits on a friend's boss, as well as to warn those in my ally list from doing so before I decide to remove them. Like I said, it's not funny when I tell my friends I have a boss up only to see it dead before my ally could hit it because some other guy hit my boss for 400k damage.

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by PhalzyrD View Post
    All nutaku games seems to lack one fundamental thing MMOs typically have. Some way to communicate with others playing. It'd be nice to have a message system since chat would be more complicated and server resource impacting. That way we could explain to them why doing things like this helps no one rather than just removing them form friends lists (though I never have done that myself simply do to hitting too hard)
    Strange thing is, there is a messaging system built into the Nutaku site. But it is only used for game notifications by a couple of games, writing to support and thats it.

    At least there is a discord chat or something...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
    At least there is a discord chat or something...
    Other games the discord might be a somewhat valid way but this one for some reason just says invalid invite to me. and that chat system would mean you have to be not playing the game to follow it...

    FKG Phalzyr - 757324278 - Level 143 - Total Power: 447K 34/34 Allies

  9. #9
    Edited my post, and don't worry I was also one of those ignorant people that sent in my strongest squad with a weak attack to finish off bosses. My intention was to inform and not to condemn.

    FKG Mystic - 772124152 FULL
    20 Warrior rings maxed

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by PhalzyrD View Post
    Other games the discord might be a somewhat valid way but this one for some reason just says invalid invite to me. and that chat system would mean you have to be not playing the game to follow it...
    not sure why you would say that you have to be not playing the game to follow it. I open 2 windows, 1 with the game and 1 with discord. I can read and chat while my girls are fighting insects during fast forward. I mean all I have to do is press fast forward whenever the sound stops.
    also, here: https://discord.gg/0v2pcbZUJB4EJSbY
    some discord invites expire after a period of time and you need to change the settings for it to be permanent and unlimited uses.

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