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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #7
    I did some testing:

    10x stage 12-3, bonus stage(80 stamina) and boss.

    Finishing Stage 12-3 have around 40% chance of finding a L58 boss and 40% chance of finding a bonus stage
    So 10x 12-3 give 4x bosses and 4x Bonus stage (80 stamina)

    Total stamina cost 10 * 35 + 4 * 80 = 670 Stamina
    Coins 10 * 3171 + 4* 8032 = 63838 Coins
    Seed 10 * 564 + 4 * 690 = 8400 Steed
    Exp 10 * 473 + 4* 160 = 5370 Exp
    ** girls 10 * 4.8 = 48 ** Girls (250 coins each)
    * gift 10 * 0.2 = 2 * gift
    *-upgrade 4 * 0 = 0.00 * upgrade (1080 girl exp each)
    **-upgrade 4 * 2.66 = 10.67 ** upgrade (2700 girl exp each)
    ***-upgrade 4 * 0.66 = 2.67 *** upgrate (7200 girl exp each)
    **-Item seed 4 * 72 = 288 ** Item seed

    The 8400 seeds gives:
    *-upgrade 84 * 2.4% = 2.0 * upgrade (1080 girl exp each)
    **-girls 84 * 92% = 77.3 ** girls (250 coins each)
    ***-girls 84 * 5.3% = 4.5 *** girls ( 270 girl exp each)
    ****-girls 84 * 0.3% = 0.3 **** girls (360 girl exp each)

    I sell all *2 girl for 250 coins, upgrade cost 4000 coins per girl used.

    Net for 10x 12-3, bonus stage (80 stamina) and boss.
    Stamina cost: 670
    Coins: 14946
    Girl exp: 51470
    Exp 5370
    *-Item seed: 0
    **-Item seed: 288

    12-3 per stamina point used:
    Coins: 22.31
    Girl exp: 76.82
    Exp: 8.01
    *-Item seed: 0
    **-Item seed: 0.43

    Same analysis for 12-1 gives:

    12-1 per stamina point used:
    Coins: 25.44
    Girl exp: 78.99
    Exp: 7.74
    *-Item seed: 0
    **-Item seed: 0.41

    12-1 gives +2.8% more girl exp but 3.4% less exp and 4.1% less seeds than 12-3.
    I cant say which is better 12-1 or 12-3 they as very much alike.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ****************

    2-1 per stamina point used:
    Coins: -53.64
    Girl Exp: 110.57
    Exp: 11.92
    *-Item seed: 0.83
    **-Item seed: 0.00

    2-1 gives 50% more exp and 50% more girl exp than 12-1 or 12-3.
    It gives a bit fewer coins.
    Stage 2-1 gives *-item seeds while 12-1 give **-item seeds.
    If item seeds are used for upgrading 2-1 are better because 2-1 give twice as many seeds.

    Conclusion: 2-1 are far better (50% better) than 12-1 and 12-3 per stamina point spend.
    Main reason is: The 80-stamina-bonus-stage only give 3 time more girl exp than 12-stamina-bonus-stage but cost 6 times more stamina.

    Only advantage of stages 12-1 and 12-3 are that they give 3 times more ****-girls per stamina spend than 2-1.
    Last edited by Opalia24; 05-10-2016 at 08:18 AM.

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