Ooooh, that weird 5*+ Ticket was from maintenance? I was confused why they would give a 20% chance for 6* girl, but pretty happy that I drew one. Pumpkin, who I don't have yet.

In regards to all of you guys who are having browser issues, when I very first started playing FKG on nutaku I had the same issue and thought it would resolve itself after a few days. When it didn't I opened a ticket and the GM told me that I needed to clear my cache. I did, and nothing changed. They basically said, "well that's the only way we know how to resolve the issue." I was super mad since I had just spent money on the game because it seemed fun and I wanted to advance quickly, so I tried a bunch of extreme actions to try and resolve the issue. Here's the only thing I have found that works:

1. Clear entire Browser Cache for your browser of choice (I use Firefox usually)
2. Uninstall said browser
3. Uninstall Adobe Flash
4. Using another browser download the latest versions of Flash and your preferred browser

Once I've reinstalled, I can get the game to launch again instead of sitting on the loading screen for eternity. I hope this helps!