Something has been bothering me since they changed the manyu/dragons levels: before they changed to swap nodes, didn't we get an additional dragon when finishing the mission?
I just did the 80 stam red dragons, and I get only the 4 chests, and I'm pretty sure we had a 5th before.
Nutaku ID: 556500612
You're right, there was a guaranteed additional golden chest that you get after clearing 80 stam dragons or bonus stages.
Pretty sure that's not what's supposed to happen (As in nutaku messed up in some way again and haven't fixed that) or they just plain removed that, which i doubt it's the case but if it is the it really sucks.
FKG: 053232470 Strength: 479,458
Much of this has been changed with blooming.
I too thought some of the evo art is a bit ...well one dimensional and boring. Girl has highly detailed clothes and armor, bam evolution, she is half naked and the high quality art is replaced with weak sauce fan service.
I think more people must have thought this and shared it with the devs, because the Blooming puts the clothes back on girls to some degree and makes them look better overall.
Did the Discord server get killed? For some reason I can't access it anymore, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to get banned. If I did, I certainly didn't get a warning for it. I also can't remember where to find the Discord invite link on the game page...
we need some stronger raid bosses to send out both bloomed Kerria and Alpinia to demolish