Quote Originally Posted by Tomitain View Post
As much as I like seeing a steady stream of bloom forms I don't think there's been a new CSQ for a few weeks now. I wouldn't mind having one for either form of Ivy since I suspect it would revolve mostly around how highly she thinks of Sakura. A CSQ for Astra Galus would, of course, be nice too.
Honestly, I agree with the team’s new perspective — they should be prioritizing blooms over CSQs until they’re caught up with blooms.

CSQs are basically worthless outside of character development and, with a couple exceptions, the ones I’ve seen so far have been poorly written. It’s not even a translation issue, the original writers just didn’t invest much into developing a compelling set of stories that bothered to really flesh out the characters. Hell, many of the H scenes have better writing.

Bloomed forms actually impact gameplay and add value.

That all said what i’d love to hear from Nutaku is their rationale as to the order new bloomed forms are introduced. Somehow I suspect the answer is “All the characters FriendlyFacez likes are skipped over.”