Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
Those dressbloom deals are great. Not sure but I believe DMM has nothing like this (granted, its so easy to get 40-50 FG there that it would not be very beneficial for them).

Only downside is they are so strictly time limited. I suppose thats in order to make you buy those FG impulsively.
And with that said, had just enough for one rainbow dressbloom = Alpinia (Red Ginger) is now fully maxed. 4 equip slots filled with the current event equipment, and L5 battle skill from the standard exchange shop.
From what I have seen so far, she tears through the raid boss like hot knife through butter. Need to lvl up that equipment though.

man, I need FK, why did I spend it when we had dressblooms

Quote Originally Posted by smr View Post
[Chat Chit] Around in the FKG world-flowerknightgirl166.png

im glad I reached 500,000 total power before the bloom update, which should come at around August.