wait... can you do that with 2*s?
also, man, tachibana reissue 1st stage is hell. I spent like what, 500+ stam trying to 3 star it =/
wait... can you do that with 2*s?
also, man, tachibana reissue 1st stage is hell. I spent like what, 500+ stam trying to 3 star it =/
maotd said "if you don't have your maxed affection mint anymore..."
So what I was asking, is, can you get a 2*, max affection it for a fg, sell the card, then get a new one and max affection it again for another fg? That would be a second one, but the first one is gone..
Well he wrote it a bit complicated. Let me rephrase it in more direct manner.
No, the affection is "character ID" bound, not "character bound". Meaning once you max affection on a character, it doesnt matter how many copies of that character you max the affection later on, you wont get another Flower Gem.
Each person maxed grants 1 Fgem the first time you max her, any subsequently affection maxed copies of her will not give you another FGem.
Been doin whale ship
Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター
Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.
Signature made by Myrdin
me too just over 8k and counting - hopeful I can make it
well, no. but the whale missions will be come back in 2 weeks, probably. and in 4 weeks we maybe get a new item in the shop so we need more sun medals. and there will be a new event, and more reissue event wich has to be done... so, a lot of work.
i hope i can make it until the end of the event to buy the new necklace, too. got 9770 sun medals atm.
nutaku FKG ID: 509085493
Same here. The Whaleship will return sometime, but right now I have the stamina and also FGs to spare to do those missions. The missions don't reward that many Sun Medals (240), considering that the hit necklace already costs 12,000 of those. And I rather get that necklace now, than finally being able to buy it by the time the next (and probably even more expensive) necklace gets released. If ever I find myself with way too many Sun Medals, I can always trade them for ampies.
Well that is true
My Squad isn't strong enough for the Whale right now and i have no real problems playing Reissued Event+New Event at the same Time. But that gonna change when i finally be strong enough, Geez i wish i would have played right from the Start, then i wouldn't need to play the Reissued Events.
I started with the Border Event which means i have missed 34 Girls...... Gonna take forever until i can ignore Reissued Events.