Quote Originally Posted by NamelessAcolyte
We were informed today by the original developer that the re-skin of characters is no longer an option. They are concerned that allowing us to have exclusive content will impact their product over in JP (which is fully understandable). Therefore, we are no longer able/ allowed to run the popularity contest as advertised until now. Instead we will try our best to compensate you for the trouble once the event ends and make sure the winners will have a special treatment going forward. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and fully understand decisions such as tracking us down, searching for our addresses and so on... Please understand however that this is their title and we can only run it by accepting their terms.
Looks like someone changed their mind, we won't be getting any new brides at all. The popularity contest is pretty much null and void now. Sucks for the people who have been spending money/gems on voting for their favourite girl, but yeah. Don't do that anymore.

Don't actually expect to be compensated though, or you'll be disappointed like after the stamina bug. Expect nothing = never be disappointed!