Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
Yess more anger ! More blood ! Blood for the Blood God !

... Now now, chill them horses lads. No need to get salty (there is way to much salt in this game already).
Eab is acting edgy as always, he has a point at what´s he saying though.
At the same time I can understand your angquish Wutan, nobody likes to get the"piss off bruh" treatment like that, but then again we all are just humans, so you cant expect Nameless to be all sunshine and lollipops all the time, everytime (especially if 4K+ people ask the same thing).

Anyway, the issue is getting worked on as we speak. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day Toyota.... yeh allright enough I get it
If by the end of tomorrow people still wont have their rewards, then we can slowly start to panic.

Here´s a random demonkin chibi girl eating a bun to improve the mood
(Event) Heavenly Flower Festival & Idol Wars Z Crossover-3152506_1360704744364.53res_315_300.jpg
Thanks Myrdin. Yeah i have calmed down a bit. I have played with my pet...that's always a n1 method to relax and i have evolved Justicia too

You are right nameless is just a human and i think i would be annoyed too if everyone is asking me the same question over and over again. I hope i will get my missing rewards none the less cause that was the only reason i played IWZ.

Lets hope for some good Draws tomorrow
