Quote Originally Posted by vysethevaliant View Post
I hate this event. Every single time I try for the event drop from the gatcha, I have to damn near empty the thing before I get it. I don't know if they purposely made the drop for the equipment/skill item to be at a lower rate compared to everything else, or if I'm just being unlucky. Whatever it is, it's sure rage-inducing. I'm on 5/7 now, and with the coin cost increasing each reset, I'm not looking forward to grabbing the remaining three items. I have a feeling I will be doing this, and only this, for the next week+. :/
As the blooms are 5* items, I just expected it to have worse drop rates than the other rewards (3* girls/manyus, 1* coins/seeds), so I just single roll whenever I have EC. Don't do the 10 roll. You'll never know when you actually get the special item(s) with a single roll; if you do, you can use any spare EC on the next round.

I'd say mine's been generally good to me, except Round 5. Currently at 6/7. Took me no more than 5 single draws to get the blooms in Rounds 2 and 4. Probably more of bad luck on your side, if anything.