My current DMM garden :3
My current DMM garden :3
IGN: AcedPhoenix
ID: 073351807
Allies: 30/30
I tried...i really tried... but in the end there can only be one after all... so it's me or the lolis..
Since she was kinda the queen of the lolis, there wasn't really anything that could have been done but to give the order..
feeling bad about having to stain the hands of my knights..
and she was annoyingly happy until the every end..
My ID: 010059882
IGN: AshenOne
I have been watching over this thread every time a new picture comes up and I can say the whole lot of you are really creative and awesome! Great job people!
Hope to see more!
Feel free to add me. Please PM me.
Friends: 30/30
ID: 100833999
DMM garden WIP. As an islander myself, I say, "Banana Island, best island!"
- Chinese Lantern & Justicia happily "dancing" to the garden BGM (Dipladenia track, perfect fit for this theme).
- Gazenia is satisfied after finding a fancy chest floating in the water. As expected of a treasure hunter!
- Upon seeing the chest, Hanamomo hastily jumps off that platform, and there was nothing Nazuna could do.
- Himeshara fanning snap-traps plants. Still looks like a boss while doing it.
Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
Raine on YouTube
IGN: Rupturez
ID: 618437322
DMM Server.
Wow, these beach themes are awesome. ♥
PeroPero: Zerana (879179) 55 out of 62 PeroFriends
Osawari Island: CR20OG4XY3FGUTSJJ8599 (10 out of 10. Ty everyone ♥)
Kamihimi Project R:
Mononofu: White Lilly Battle Princesses
Flower Knight Girl: 818588405 (27 out of 31 Allies)
Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
Raine on YouTube