Quote Originally Posted by Roentgen View Post
DMM garden WIP. As an islander myself, I say, "Banana Island, best island!"

- Chinese Lantern & Justicia happily "dancing" to the garden BGM (Dipladenia track, perfect fit for this theme).
- Gazenia is satisfied after finding a fancy chest floating in the water. As expected of a treasure hunter!
- Upon seeing the chest, Hanamomo hastily jumps off that platform, and there was nothing Nazuna could do.
- Himeshara fanning snap-traps plants. Still looks like a boss while doing it.
I also went with a beach theme in DMM since I have no gold to buy any decorations, high five!

Considering 0 decorations are placed besides the mandatory plant pots its not so bad.

Anemone: Why do I have to sweep the bar on a beach?!