Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
This discussion is taking an amusing turn.
Everyone is free to spend their hard earned (or not) cash however they want. Depending on the people themselves the prices might be more or less or completely not reasonable.
I dont want to think about the fact that I spend money on a 2D Anime girl in a Browser game, which will most likely be shut down within the next... what... 3-4 years ? I had my short enjoyement out of it (which is still ongoing as long as I will keep playing this game).
Same goes for everything.
For me personally spending money for a 5* is inneficient no matter how much Waifu that girl could be. But if there are people who find it a good catch, by all means go for it. To me, these two girls do not appeal (none of the lately released do in all honesty) but there might be those of you who find them "the bess shiz´evaah!" and as such will be willing to pay for em, soo yeh... its subjective.
Apologies for grammar error, not typing from my usual PC and there is no autocorrect here.
Worse comes to worst, there's the DMM version