Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
All the terms we come up with

that said, Convenience is a good word for it. Pay to Waifu isn't quite right since as you said, their stats and abilities make it easier to clear maps (as you said, even though you CAN clear it with 3/4*s, it's neither easy nor particularly fun for most people)
Well..pay for convenience is a lot of it. Pay for waifu is a part of the motivation for at least some people - certainly those who spend on their favorite even when the stats don't support it. If you count having a large collection as winning, then it's arguable as P2W. (And definitely golds and rainbows are not just cosmetic). However, with no PvP there's no place where a small advantage feels critical, and unlike some other games (including some Nutaku ones) there's never a point where you will either have to grind for an enormous number of hours to make the smallest bit of progress or just pay out (which I count as P2W).
As a side note, I think the 3*/4* stuff is a bit missing the point. Even a purely free player should have (with time and diligence) a decent collection of event golds, and a reasonable number of gacha golds from free FGs. I've only been playing since mid November, and I have 8 event golds (all but Monotropasturum at BS5/E4), and from my free FG 10+1 rolls, 2 rainbows and 5 golds, and 3 more golds from 5* tickets (Christmas, starting player, starting player day 7 login). Even with more average luck (1 gold per 10+1 roll) that'd still be something like 15 golds which should be able to get through most levels.