Quote Originally Posted by smr View Post
thread title should be (12.29.2016 - 01.10.2017) by the way.

[Event 19] Fortune Comes to the Merry Flower (12.29.2016 - 01.10.2017)-flowerknightgirl079.png

a very efficient and fast way to spam the Mystery Plaza Stage, doing it as many times as possible before it expires. Requires at least 600+ speed squad so they get to the boss first instead of the random helper squad you're spam clicking, and knights with no buffs/debuffs whatosever and very short special skill animations. Im using Dogwood since I dont have that many fast knights but she is on leader spot in case her skill activates as it is fairly long.
Being able to spam the free stage like that for 5 minutes has to be a bug of some form. I cannot believe that they would intend for that to happen, it makes the entire event too easy. The big question is, will there be punishment for exploiting this bug? I don;t know nutaku's history when it comes to exploits.