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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #131

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    I also am waiting for a good information. I want to know if its worth not fully clearing boxes before resetting to have as much trophies to burn there.

  2. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    really? do you have a link? i'd like to see what other things the final resets have... (manyu's or blooms or whatever)
    The gacha contents are in the 2nd + sign menu.

  3. #133
    Unregistered Guest
    awesome, thanks dari!

  4. #134

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    So in total for all 4 added resets: 1 highest bloom dragon each colour, 4 100 level manyus of each colour, 8 ampies of each type, 12k mid-grade equipment seeds, 3k6 gacha seeds, 12 medium gifts, 12 small gifts, 32 3* girls, 20 life crystals.

    Its better to max 7th reset to get bloom dragons and ampies before one skips to new resets (cause its cheaper in trophies that way). But also its better to skip earlier resets as fast as possible to have more trophies for those ampies/100 manyus. Of course it doesn't matter for those who will burn FGs to fully clear each stage.

  5. #135
    Unregistered Guest


    Worst. Event. RNG. I ever had.

  6. #136

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    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Is it worth trying to 10+1 pull this event gacha (to maybe luck out one of the event girls), or better wait for a guaranteed 5* stuff?
    Thou if its better to wait - anyone know how long till the next one of those will be up?
    (Sorry for kinda off topic question )

  7. #137

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    one squad on middle camp, the rest on bottom camp at E-7 currently has the best stamina per trophy ratio.

  8. #138

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by smr View Post
    one squad on middle camp, the rest on bottom camp at E-7 currently has the best stamina per trophy ratio.
    I've been kinda doing the same thing. Do u run the SG though? Cause it seems they kinda drop the same amount as E-7 so u'd miss on the money and the 2 life crystals. But I'm not entirely sure that E-7 and the the corresponding SG drop about the same amount.

    My ID: 010059882
    IGN: AshenOne

  9. #139

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    For ?-8, 1 or 2 slow squads (speed <500) in top camp and some much faster squads (speeds over 700) in the bottom camp seems to work best for me. Supposedly, placing all on the top camp is better. But in that case, you're not guaranteed that they'll even enter the farming loop, and when even 1 fast squad from the top camp runs straight to the flag, then you're guaranteed to get very few trophies.
    Generally, I end up with a slow squad from the top and a fast squad from the bottom tent racing eachother on the last leg for the flag, so that avarages out pretty nicely.

  10. #140

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    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashen View Post
    I've been kinda doing the same thing. Do u run the SG though? Cause it seems they kinda drop the same amount as E-7 so u'd miss on the money and the 2 life crystals. But I'm not entirely sure that E-7 and the the corresponding SG drop about the same amount.
    I also run 1 middle (2nd from top) and 4 bottom. For now my average is around 4450 which is close to 90 trophies/stamina.
    Bonus stage on average over 3 runs gave me around 4800 which is close to 96 trophies/stamina.

    A bit less trophies stamina on base map is offset by over 3 times the experience (so more level ups), life crystals, and actual drops (can be ampies or even more life crystals), so I run only the base map (additional positive for me is I can run it when ever I have 50 stamina, no need for 50 additional buffer for eventual bonus stage).

    My squads are to weak to run Ultimate without solar blasts/luck, and on 3 runs I did to 3 medal/test it, i got on average only 5800 which is below 73 trophies/stamina. Bonus stage spawned thou on single spawn gave me 8800 so close to 110 trophies/stamina, and people say they got close to 10k, while theoretical minimum is somewhere around 8200-8300 (when all squads go straight towards finish line and you proc each item 5 times only).

    With the numbers that I got thou, a combo of base map and bonus map actually gives slightly more for Advanced (91.7 vs 91.2). But that is if you spawn bonus each run. I seem to spawn it, at least for now, on a 1 per 3 basis. With such spawn rate and thus 3 base map and 1 bonus map runs average values go down, for Advanced barely and for Ultimate quite a lot making Advanced actually a better map overall (89.8 vs 81.94). Of course if someone gets a lot better yields from Ultimate/Bonus than I got on my 3 base runs and 1 bonus spawn, numbers could be different .

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