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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #191

    Join Date
    May 2016
    many and amp hunting but real poor rng luck ont he event gathering leaves me on reset 9/11 and only just scrapping the surface of it, 8/11 made me work

    EDIT: And the cost were silly this was NOT a fun event

  2. #192

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    it was a fun event, the last pages with life crystals and ampies were there obviously for players willing to refill their stamina.

  3. #193

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I'm the guest earlier ranting. The reason I was able to get this far is because of leveling. I think I leveled 6 times this event? That's 18 gathers + 6* ~280 extra stam used on the event. I had to do a few full clears as well.
    I leveled few times too was below 90 when event started and close to 96 now. Barely started doing 10/11 reset, and on all previous ones did on average 40 spins. I stay with what I said - that its impossible to fully clear this event without refilling stamina. Heck lets do math once again:

    Assuming you do 12 gathers per day, each 15 stamina on average, and fully use passively generated stamina you have 660 stamina per day. Lets say you have around 300 stamina cap and level up each second day. That is around 350 additional stamina each second day.

    Event lasted less than 14 days, but lets say it lasted full 14 so that you have 7 days per each phase. On fist phase you could average around 60 trophies/stamina. On second phase that goes up to 90. So first phase will be worth 7*660+3*350 = 5670 stamina, and thus 340k trophies, while phase two will be worth 7*660+4*350 = 6020 stamina, and thus 542k trophies.

    That is total 882k trophies from passive, gathers, level ups.

    You need 630k to fully clear first 8 boxes (so starting box and 7 resets). You need 735k to fully clear phase two added 4 resets.

    Total 1365k. So as I said - impossible to fully clear without FG refills.

    Even if you spin 40 times average per box - those numbers go down to 504k + 588k = 1092k total which is still not doable.

    You would need to be lucky and get everything you need on 32-33 spins per box/reset to do it with the 880k total trophies calculated above, which in itself is actually quite optimistic.

  4. #194

    Join Date
    May 2016
    I did the extra R8 just to get the ampies. Those crystals - meh you can get that amount easely by running ?-4/8 of any event, so I didnt reset R8 once I got them, instead try to get all the gooddies - well got bunch of crap, with most of the good stuff left there at the end - no currency to gacha it out, but still got at least "something" out of there. Regardless, its finally over today.

  5. #195

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    Ofcourse, I could've totally trolled you guys, and photoshopped "1x Rainbow Dress Bloom" in place of the 5 LC, but nahhh.

  6. #196

    Join Date
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    East EU
    Not really trolling. I was on 10/11 and only reason why I didn't reset to get to 11/11 was that I didn't get a single ampy yet out of it. Was actually doing more runs to clear it a bit, forgot to read black bar infos below game and welp lost like 3 spins or more worth of trophies, cause suggested by 5+h timer or maps didn't saw that maintenance will start in just an hour.

    Actually I think its like 3rd or 4th time maintenance starts few hours before timers on maps, so I should already know this hehe, yet somehow when you are doing stuff in multiple games at the same time, you miss those things.


    I just hope that new event will be easy, I barely touched reissue yet, so I will need to somehow fit farming it and new event at the same time, so I wish for some easy on stamina event.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 02-07-2017 at 05:42 AM.

  7. #197
    Unregistered Guest
    haha, just like my luck. On my first pull on 11/11, I got the 5 LCs. If only it was equip....

    Ended up doing 3 pulls on 11/11 I think. Didn't get my purple dragon

  8. #198

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    East EU
    Well next event seems to be one of the trade center events. Question is if its maps drop farming, or boss killing.

    I just hope that if its raid bosses event, all retards that 1-shot-kill bosses with high total power squads on "skip" will be dead or not playing, cause with them doing that its hard to even poke in with a single level 1 2* girl party, as you spot a raid boss, click it, choose 1 point attack and get error that boss is no longer there...

  9. #199

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    shit, thought the event had a few more hours - I read it wrong again

    oh well, I was like 12 pulls away from getting 5 LC on the 8th Gacha last night. Ran out of Stamina 6 hours ago
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  10. #200
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    shit, thought the event had a few more hours - I read it wrong again

    oh well, I was like 12 pulls away from getting 5 LC on the 8th Gacha last night. Ran out of Stamina 6 hours ago
    The remaining time on event maps has never been accurate.

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