Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Virgin Retard View Post
Absolutely not, and far from it, around level 35 or so, I dunno.
Checked, 32.

Still though, if they deal as much damage as they do, why are they level 25? And not level 225? (Irony intensifies)

For reals though, I'm not actually complaining, just want to get that cleared up. Asking a genuine question, that's all.

- - - Updated - - -

Keep in mind, I have logged in for maybe 5-6 days, where I played more than average.
Evolution, no, as previously mentioned.
Affection, barely started, 6* at 50%, does it matter what you give them? Like their favorites or whatnot?
Gear, I could, but it wouldn't be any good gear.
Tutorial, I should have, but that would be long ago.
Just wanted to add my 2 cents, seeing that you deserve at least a non-sarcastic answer.

This game has a curved difficulty that is somewhat exponential. This does not explain away your experience, and this is where the mechanics come in. Each character specializes in a particular role. The bugs also fall into particular classes. There is a rock-paper-scissors element to the combat, but most of it is hidden. But as Myrdin has already explained, much of this can be alleviated by leveling, evolving and equipment. It still will not erase the discrepancies that the mechanics can sometimes cause, especially with bad RNG (crits, for example)

I have noticed when I first started that particular teams I formed would get destroyed like they were wet paper towels, but a different team would totally destroy the same group of bugs. The only thing I can suggest is to make sure you have balanced teams (although speed does become important on some maps) or that you strategically place teams at nodes if you're trying to shoot for 100% to earn flower gems.